Dianne, not Celtic here, but an educational point of view on dyslexia.

The term dyslexia has come under a bit of controversy lately. There are those that believe that the word should be reserved for those that have the most severe of learning disabilites in reading. Many children and adults have LD (learning disabilities) in reading and there is quite a continuum of how they manifest themselves. Most importantly, LDs are most often found in people with above average intellegence.

A quote from research:

"Much of the current scientific research focuses on the hypothesis that dyslexia stems from a deficit in phonological awareness. This hypothesis suggests that affected individuals have difficulty analyzing the words they hear into discrete segments (such as phonemes), which in turn leads to difficulty learning spelling-sound correspondences."

It is unfortunate that educators, while well meaning, have very little understanding of the problems and identifing LD in students and often teaching methods exasperate the problem. The research on methods to overcome the problems is unclear and general education training does little to address the issue. It is a shame.
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