Hello New Leaf:

All great ideas...you may also want to consider being a VA (a Virtual Assistant); there are some great VA training schools out there or you can do it informally and just market yourself as one. Anyway, it's the wave of the future for coaches like me, consultants, business owners, etc around the country who have needed help, but there's no room in our office or we don't mind if the person lives elsewhere...we often hire VAs. VA's do a wide variety of tasks; I have a VA I love who I have never met, who has kept my biz going for several years! We get someone talented, experienced and capable and the VA gets to work flexible hours from their home for good pay.

The other thing you may want to do is check out www.craigslist.org (and click on your home state) for available jobs you could do from home.

Good luck,
KC Christensen-Lang
Joyologist/Success Coach/PR Consultant
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