
It has taken time to put the thoughts together. Please review my website since it has just been changed. Visit: http://www.eldercareconcierge.net.

The Wren's Nest Bed and Breakfast, near me, will host my first event: Afternoon Tea, followed by a workshop around their fireplace. Finish the afternoon off with a massage. All in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The cost is private pay for now. If any companies would like to sponsor 10 women down the road, great. I really don't want to lose the excitment that I feel waiting for this to happen.

Sure it would be great to raffle off a gift basket with goodies such as Rick and June's hot flash products. Add my book in the basket, flyer of restaurants and shopping in the area and tie it up in a pretty bow. Just a dream for now unless someone wants to make this a business of theirs.

Networking means pulling ideas and skills together and make a good idea work. What do you think? Can anyone see a job for themself here?
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