Your love and prayers have helped a lot and I thank you for that. I have been operating on little sleep but lots of energy. I'm afraid that if I stop I'll just collapse. Once everything is taken care of, I'm going to go to the spa for a facial, massage, maybe the whole works. I've been taking care of mom for 8-9 years, and now it's time for me.

I'm so angry at my brother for being out of the picture. But I didn't really expect he would have done anything even if he were around. When my dad died, he sent his wife to my mom's and had the gall to call me to ask if she could bring their two-year-old grandson, on a 23 hour bus ride, for a funeral, because they were babysitting and I can only think that he didn't want to be bothered taking care of the child while she was gone.

Anyway, knowing that all of you are here for me has really helped. A heartfelt thanks to all of you.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich