An annual "skin check" by your doctor is a good idea.....and keeping tabs on your OWN skin by looking yourself over in a mirror (ALL of yourself!!!!) regularly is a good idea. As Smile said, any changes in moles or freckles should be noted. In my case with the melanoma it was a very "innocent" looking flat mole on the back of my calf...but it started bleeding and I had it checked out. It was melanoma and was a very extensive tissue removal with skin graft from my hip. The doctor told me if I'd waited any longer to get it checked out, it COULD have effected muscle tissue which would have made it a lot worse!

SO - bottom line is if you see a change, or even THINK you see a change, have it checked out. The old "better to be safe than sorry" rule applies to skin cancer that's for sure! [Wink] [Wink]