Just signed and and saw this post. I hate my name and I was teased ALOT as a young girl. My real name is Geraldine, the feminine of Gerald, which means "rule of the spear", My middle name is Fay, which means "fairy", so I guess that means I'm a fairy with a spear! O.K., just call me cupid! Seriously though, my foster brother, Jimmy teased me constantly about my name because anyone who grew up in my generation is probably familiar with The Flip Wilson Show and his famous character, "Geraldine". I wish I could say what Jimmy would call me, but it could be offensive and considered a racial slur. I have gone by Gerri since I was 10. My second foster mother wanted my name to rhyme with her family, (no that's not a joke), it was Betty, Harvey, Eddie, Jimmy, Julie and Gerrie. I dropped the e in my teens, am I rebellious or what? Get it though, everyone had a name that ended with the e sound, isn't that just precious! NOT!
Anyway, I have to admit, Gerri was better than Geraldine so it stuck.