Gimster, I noticed in another thread that you signed your name "Mona"...and remembered what you had said in this thread about disliking both your first and second names.

I just have to say that I've always LOVED that name was the name of the mother of one of my life-long best friends (we played in the playpen together 50+ years ago and still exchange Christmas & birthday cards and occasional emails) and I used to love how her name rolled off my tongue. If I recall correctly I named at least one of my dolls Mona. It's still one of my favourite names.

I know it's different when it's your own, and it also depends on how people either threw your name at you or caressed you with it, but I just had to throw in my two-cents worth...I have a beautiful Christian-based name book, and the spiritual connotation for Mona is "Reflection of Wisdom" and the inherent meaning is "Moon", so that's a mighty powerful name you have there...bringing light and wisdom to those around you...I for one love the special light that the moon brings to the night sky. The moon is considered to be a very special gift from God, designed to light the way for those who have to wrestle and journey through the darkness of night, a vibrant sign of eternal hope that we never walk alone, even in the darkest night of the soul.

Edited by Eagle Heart (02/08/07 07:21 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)