My name is derived from's latin meaning is 'little one'.....being the youngest of five and weighing in at a tiny 2lb 4 oz...that's appropriate I suppose. My second name is Patricia!!! Too much pethedine mee thinks!!!
When I was choosing my confirmation name....I got in a wee bit of trouble with the nuns....we had the Dean of our church come to see us some time before this big day...he was a sweet elderly gent who had a wee soft spot for me and my mischevious ways . We were all stood in line waiting for him to ask us our chosen name and our explanation why. One girl down the line was adamant that she wanted Elvis as her name , which caused a stir...but not as much as me!! When he got to me he smiled softly and went on with his enquiries... I announced Bernadette proudly...and he smiled some more, telling me it was a good choice, it bieng after a saint...
when I replied 'yes......after Saint Bernadette Mc Alliskey Reverend' ...(Devlin...lead woman of the Irish Civil Rights Movement of the 60's),he creased up over his stick....laughing so hearty...he had to sit down! After he left, I got the scelping of my little life!!!! Well, the Dean and I thought it was funny.

''Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love