No matter what happens in our life we have the ability to choose our attitude. Yes, it can be hard to feel grateful when we are really depressed or angry. But by being more attentive to opportunities to express gratitude, we increase our opportunity to feel it. Our thoughts precede our feelings so the more we think gratitude thoughts, the better our chance to feel gratitude. Counting our blessings does not make our problems go away overnight, but it can reduce their importance and help them to fade. At first we may have to fake it. Eileen and I wrote down five things each day that we were grateful for. More than that, we learned to appreciate those things we often took for granted--like breathing and our hearts beating and family and friends, etc. We also looked for what we wanted to have happen and we focused on the things we liked. Having a partner really helped because we could always remind each other to look for the good in the bad. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations available to us and those who practice gratitude are happier and healthier. The more we practice gratitude, the less likely we are to become depressed.
