Someone once said, "I've never seen an old barn yet that couldn't use a good paint job." When I was much younger I could get by with using vaseline, when I was in my 30's I could even be dramatic if I wanted to be. In my 40's I toned it down a bit.

Now that I'm in my 50's approaching 60, I use it sparingly and wisely. Too much makeup emphasizes the fine lines. Too much makeup collects in creases. Too little makeup just makes a woman look old.

To me a woman's face is like a painter's canvas. Each of us and our mates see the outcome in a different way and process it through our filters.

Just like art, a woman's facial beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One of my daughters was married to a man who refused to let her wear makeup because he was afraid other men would be attracted to her.

Needless to say, that marriage lasted about as long as an ice cream cone in July...
Aarikja Ann