I can't help you on the iron supp question. Never really needed iron supplementation before, either.

I've been post-men for close to 20 years. But, as an alternative to ordering online or as a pre-cursor to ordering online, I'd research your question/concern as much as possible. Get to know your subject, then go to several health food stores, herbal shops, vitamin shops (not your chains like GNC,etc.) and test the owner/employees. If they hit the target on their answers, try them later on one or two other areas. This is the way I found my herbalist, who is also a nurse. I have asked her many questions and have received knowledgable responses enough to trust her when I go in with a concern. I only order online when I need something and she's out of it. I use some Nature Sunshine products ( http://www.naturessunshine.com/index.asp ) I'm able to get a great discount on my Tiao He Cleanse online.