Dotsie, that brought tears to my eyes and profound gratitude to my heart. Thank you.

Tonight my brother had his CAT scan scheduled for 10:20pm. We had to go early to replace his hospital card, which only took a few minutes to do (we had allowed enough time for any admission line-ups, traffic, etc). So we meandered over to the waiting room for the CAT scan, about 30 minutes early. The CAT technician recognized my brother and greeted him like an old friend, then took him right into the CAT room and gave him the scan right away - we were out of there in less than 10 minutes!

So I've been feeling such gratitude for all the people God is placing in our lives to make this journey easier...all the people He's given to us to lean against when we're not strong, when we need help to carry on, when we just need a kind smile and a sign of recognition that we're on a tough road but we don't walk it alone - others do care and walk with us in whatever capacity they're able to, either through prayer and inspirational notes, or kind smiles, quick CAT scans and funny jokes (thanks Chatty!)...our lives are full of those people and those smiles and signs. You all make this journey an amazing adventure in trust and leaning against the awesome bounty of God's love shining through the caring kindness of others.

Like I've said before, I detest this cancer, but since there's no other way but to plow through it, I'm grateful for being a part of this journey, and for all that I'm being taught along this way.

Edited by Eagle Heart (02/02/07 04:22 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)