I knew the comment was tongue-in-cheek...and I don't ever want you to stifle your humour Robin. This was entirely my own history at play here - it just shows me that in some ways I'm still not fully healed where my relationship with my Mom is concerned - I still let her push my buttons - but since she's gone, it has to be my own mind that's pushing those guilt buttons now, and that's good to know, because I was never able to change my Mom's behaviour but I CAN change my own now.

Robin, you're a treasured friend and beloved sister - I LOVE your presence in my life and never want you to feel like you can't joke around me. I need humour in my life - and I need you!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)