No, Dianne, he really doesn't do anything else. He eats his oatmeal & takes a multivitamin and a Super B complex vitamin that has folic acid in it which can lower your homocysteinel level. In the beginning when the doctor told him he had high cholesterol,he did everything he was told from taking the pills, watching his diet & walking daily. His cholesterol hardly budged. He was very frustrated. He ate all that tasteless fatfree stuff. He did this for about 2 years and his cholesterol only went down to around 240-250. The doc wanted to up the mg. to 40mg, but he said no because he felt bad enough on the low dosage and was afraid he wouldn't be able to roll out of bed in the morning on a higher dosage. He felted he was being held hostage by all the doctor appts, liver tests, & the doctors prescription pad. He made the decision to stop taking the pills, and does not eat the fatfree foods anymore neither. He/we just eat healthy the best we can. We definitely don't eat fast food hardly ever. I tried to get him to eat oatmeal all along, but he just wouldn't because he said it gave him too much gas and he couldn't hold that much in all day at work. I introduced him to my friend, "beano". He has been eating old fashion oatmeal everyday for about 2-3 years now. I fix him the heartsmart serving.