At one time, I think my husband has taken about every cholesterol pill there is. His cholesterol was 300. All of them made him feel terrible.......fatigue, muscle aches, bad indigestion, stomach aches,etc. He stopped taking the cholesterol pills. "Let the chips fall where they may", he said. He couldn't function daily feeling like that. He was also very uncomfortable with the fact that his liver had to be monitored so closely by having it checked every 3 months. I finally convinced him to start eating oatmeal (old fashion) everyday and then asked him to humor me to go get it checked after 3 months. He does not have a cholesterol problem anymore! I know this isn't the answer for everyone, but it has always been my belief that food is our best medicine. I have always eaten oatmeal and my cholesterol is around 180... and I love my red meat.