Mountain, One of the most difficult things I've had to deal with in the past few years is the losing of people I thought were good friends. I went through a major breakdown - grief, depression, chronic fatigue - that lasted for several years. Coming through that forced me to strip away a lot of mental/emotional/mangled thinking - I think I "grew up" in that fight for my life, but many of my friends didn't stick around long enough, or couldn't grow with me, or couldn't accept the changes. I don't blame them, but the end result is that I lost pretty much all but two of my former friends. I regret losing them, but without genuine, authentic reciprocation, which in hindsight was never really there anyway (like you, I had long felt dismissed, discounted and definitely unlistened to), those friendships were keeping me "in my place" more than giving me the wings to be who I needed and was meant to be. HERE is where I've found more wings and encouragement than in any of those former friends.

Anyway, a long-winded way to say "be true to yourself". Your heart knows whether or not this friend is where and who you want to be with these days...there's nothing wrong with recognizing that it no longer works.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)