I gather my strenght from you ladies.

Dotise- I iwll ask John this question. Since he is going through treatment now he may have some insight.

My suggestion may sound selfish but is not meant to be. it is meant to help you with your friends. Give lots of love to the caregiver or the person closest to the cancer patient. I know first hand we are the ones who get all the "bad news" because we need to keep the fighter fighting and in good spirits. I agree with this but it can be very lonely.

I thank you ladies for lsitening to me at times when I had no where else to turn. I could not go to my husband with my sadness and fear and I could not go to anyone in the community for different reasons. And we do get fearful and very sad also. But must keep up everyone's spirits.

Will let you know what John says and I am sure whatever you do will be great-you are very caring.
