My brother flew out after work on a Friday afternoon and stayed until late Sunday night. He lives in New York and I'm in California.

An aunt whom I had not spoken to in years, called me up to say how much she loved me.

I didn't have a computer, so friends volunteered to get me information from the internet, including some major research.

People in my life, some of whom I barely knew, told me they'd pray/meditate for me. They, and others, were constantly telling me that I'd be OK, and I believed them. I also got many offers for "whatever I need" even though I didn't take up many of these offers.

My husband, despite major shortcomings both before and after my illness, was there 100% for me that year, including going with me to doctor's appointments, asking about treatment ramifications and taking notes. He also went to the library to do research.

My sister sent hats. My mother sent a troll doll with purple hair and an entire purple wardrobe to match my wig (yes, it was PURPLE!)

The most important thing is, people told me they loved me, they'd be there for me and believed I'd get better.