Gee, I'm glad you posted that Dotsie, it reminded me of some of the things I am still thankful for. I had that terrible wreck a couple of years later so the two get confused in my head, but both though originally curses with prayer brought blessings into my life.

My Mom came to help out with the kids.
The kids became real misers and watched every penny.
The dog who had just been spayed lay beside me after the cancer surgery and I'm pretty sure she knew my pain.
A doctor friend came to hug me and secretly put $3,000 in my account.
A lady brought frozen casseroles so I could feed all the people who visited.
A lady from my church brought my kids some out grown clothes.
A neighbor fixed an old car for me to drive while I looked for a new one.
My preacher and a lot of others listened and prayed with me.
A friend drug me out of the house and forced me to exercise.
Another friend drug me out of the house and forced me to get another car then went with me the first time I drove it.
A friend took me to see "Stir Crazy" and made me laugh for the first time.
The day I saw my slashed up face, a guy friend held my hand and told me I was beautiful.
He took me in a wheel chair to get the blood washed out of my hair.
The day I found out the young guy in the other car died, a friend traveled a hundred miles and just held me.
My Mom made a huge meal and invited friends who crawled up in bed with me to celebrate my coming home.

Gosh I could go on and on.

Lots of cards and flowers, but the time was the most meaningful.

The pain of that is hard, but it's a joy to focus on the blessings.