Hello everyone! A special hi to Copy who led me to you all! Glad to hear of your opportunities. Speaking of which, I must be healing, doing much better as I applied for and have been promoted to Gift Shop Supervisor! There are 3 of us and the salary is a blessing that will enable me to stay in "our" home. Its a mixed feeling I have as I wish dear Dave was here to share. I feel his love, encouragement and support as sure as I feel all of you lifting me up too. It will be challenging work with different shifts, some ending as late as 1AM but my dependable Blazer will get me thru. I hope my peers support the promotion, I believe they will. I earned it and have the background....Thanks to you all, again, for your love and support. You were right, the New Year holds wonderful things! My prayers and yours are being answered. Cyber hugs to you all...Cynthia