Thanks girls, you know how to keep me encouraged.

Dianne, Nellie is a professional dummy and I have several but she's my newest edition.

Poker, Hannelore....I don't play for real money online. It is where I practise with Play money. I have won real money from playing free tournaments(freerolls) online just the same. I cannot read a person across the table online so I don't waste my money. (my view only)

Ask your son if he has a journal, bookeeping, etc.and How much he gets paid an hour, week, month. He should be able to answer you Immediately.

TVC, do they play Sit and Go or tournaments?

What date are we talking for Vegas...I might enter a game or two. Is it when they're having the Convention?

I think I better pull out the basic black and accessories, lol.

~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~