I would love to live in a world where there was no need for a topic like this one, no one murdering anyone, thus no one else murdering the murders...I ASKED for an end to this unpleasant topic as a courtesy to the many that are made uncomfortable by it. I have been here a very long time now and have seen women come and go, and I know that these kinds of post are not in the spirit of this kind and gentle site. Nothing said here will change anything anyway so why upset ourselves?? Let politicians and rule makers worry about things like that. I tried to put an end to this topic in keeping with the spirit of BWS, where we think of the good of all, not just of ourselves wanting our own words to be heard above all others. I would hope this is the reason we are all here, to show our love, respect and comraderie for, and to one another and leave our politics outside the door. There are many other sites that relish this type of debateable topic, this isn't one of them. Please lets all just have respect for Dotsie and all the members that come here to enjoy the "peace and safety" this site was founded for...

Edited by chatty lady (12/31/06 05:12 PM)
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