chatty ladie

no one said hussain was right for what he did or didn't deserve punishment. Or generally crimanals and certine crimes. I thought the debate was about what type of punishment is right for "us humans" to chose to do legally or not.......why if we don't agree with the death penalty for any reason are we bleadding hart's and don't agree with any that not derogatory in the context that you have used it in....If i am mistaken then please explane. Why can't we feel for hussane and his victums why dose it have to be only one or the other?

As the such an emotive subject don't you think the members will decide when the descusion is over or not. That we are all adult and mature enough to have this debate without offence being taken as it's all just one persons oppinion after another oppinion, which is the meat of descussion. Nune of thats wrong, the pro's and the agenst death or murder penalty nune of it's wrong and all of it's entitled to space and airring isen't it.

If the name calling about the schizoid remark then cheek out the definision, (in the last post) it fit's in this context. If it's about something else well i am sure you'll yake your own steaps regarding it.

and happy new year to you

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn