Freedom of speach for all is to be admired if it's held as a true principle.....However why are you chosing to contradict and readress a few people who don't agree with your logic?

for your informastion and just so we are clear that i was describing GENERALLY an observasion i unfounded and held within the board by a variety of people and not singling any one indivuel out. Since you chose to take my remark personally then i will provide a definasion dictonary of schizoid personality treats for you

Schizoid: a term describing a personality that suggests inner conflicts and exhibits outer contradictions.

Your inner state i would't comment on. Outwardly clamming a god loving christion "peace out" stance while baying for murder of hussam and the common jo thats commited a crme is a fundemental contridiction.....In this manner the quoted word fits

As you stated no one judges us but god yet you see fit to judge and support the murder of indivduels, who have commited criminal acts. Is that not acting as if you have the right's of a diety?

Congratulasions on a life lived without sin or need for god's judgement. I haven'tlived such a life an for one i am thankfull god is forgiven and mercifull.

In all off your posts you wholesale attack the muslums
let me quote a few of your remarkes:........It's just that I know muslim's, I grew up with them on the Island of Rhodes. The Turk's once occupied the Island and I grew up hearing some horrific stories from friends and relative's personal experiences with them. They are not peace loving people......(second post) These are fanatics and if it takes them 300 years to accomplish something for the glory of allah, they are okay with that. We are infidels to them, and they want to get rid of or convert all infidels. We are the infidels to them........(end quote)
How many of the woman on this sight might be muslum, or married to a muslum man........Moreover, not all muslium peoples have this view. The fanatics that you have quoted and then chose to reprisent as ALL MUSLEMS everywear is prediduced and a misreprisentasion of ALL muslum people.... Their are peace loving muslums. I for one hate to see any one persicuted for their god or religion or race. Secondly know the history of your religion and country, see it for what it is.(I used the examples of both our countries and religions). Don't hide from the reality of anything or anyaction....... Then still hold true to your faith from an informed choice, if thats your decision.

Many religious stances see their religion as the only path to god and all others should be converted or erradictaded again examples of the inquisquistion and the conntinioong missonary work, replacing existing religions and cultural ways. Their is nuthing new in this totallity of belife in a rightchess pathway or in one dominating the other, in the name of god (ever wondered how god might feel bout wholesale slughter and tourcher in his/her's name.

Lastly i never yet to say i dislike you or anyone else on this board for this topic or any other.

I do feel strongly about murder anyones and if i not mistaken this board a descusion board, for descusion. Not needing you to agree with me or vice versa i am sure, so no personal offence ment and nun taken on my part.

please read eagles post on this topic, it's full of the loving spirite of the universe....and reminds us that we just instriments throw the devine energy to act and work throw once our ego's get out the thats humbeling

happy new year
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn