
i am shaking with distress at what iv just read from good god loving indivduels that do a compleat schizoid u-turn regarding certine topics, ya take my breath away........

I am sorry you feel this way. However, it hurts me that I would be labeled a schizoid. Freedom of speech works both ways, and I didn't call anyone names that disagree with me. We can still be friends even if we disagree on certain topics. I don't like any of you any less because of this disagreement. I even have debates with my husband about these issues, but I am not headed for divorce court.

Further, allow me to apologize for the kumbaya remark. It's just that I know muslim's, I grew up with them on the Island of Rhodes. The Turk's once occupied the Island and I grew up hearing some horrific stories from friends and relative's personal experiences with them. They are not peace loving people. Perhaps I should've stated it that way instead of using the kumbaya statement.

As for questioning my Christianity, I will allow God to make the Judgement call.

I want to respond to the comment about keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives would prevent them from committing these crimes. I agree with that and I wouldn't have a problem with that if there is a guarantee that they will not be let out a few years later on "good behavior". Perhaps I wouldn't be an advocate on the death penalty if this system would work. But I cannot emphasize enough that it is far more important, IMO, that innocent people are safe. It breaks my heart more to hear of another child being molested and murdered. It's worse when one learns that the murderer had been released on "good behavior". That has happened many times.

Hannelore, I watched those videos and it is sad. War is not pretty, I never thought it was. Watching the 911 footage was not pretty either. There was some raw footage on the 5th anniversay of this tragic day. I could hear the thump of the bodies of those that ended up jumping out of the tall buildings. BTW, we haven't been attacked since then. I know that there are bad soldiers out there, I lived in Germany for 17 years. During that time there were crimes committed by soldiers there, and the victims were usually young German women. I care more for these victims than I did for those soldiers. As for the innocent being put on the electric chair. Unfortunately, that has happened, and I am not condoning that. Let me narrow this down for you, there have been murderers and rapists that have gotten away even if the evidence was 100% there, for just anyone to see. Even as much as a confession. The evidence was there with saddam, not a single doubt he was guilty. If there was one single shread of doubt of his guilt, then no. That is where further investigation would be needed. I hope I am explaining my position on this clearly now.

As for the Vietnam war, IMO and from what I have learned about it, we shouldn't have surrendered. There was a General in the N. Vietnamese Army that stated years later that they were ready to surrender. The reason they didn't was because all the protest gave them empowerment. I don't know how true that was, I haven't checked that out for myself to be honest.

Once again, I want to emphasize that I love and respect each and everyone of you sisters. I believe in freedom of speech, and I would fight for the right for each and everyone of you to say what you have to express.

Peace out,