Wittleman, this is a HOT topic at this forum. I've burnt my tongue here several times. Just want you to know you are not alone in your opinion.

Cathy, I could ask you a similar question. When was the last time an innocent person was put on the electric chair? And at the same time, I do agree with you , in that I don't support murderers to be released from prison, unless they have committed the crime in self defense.

Just want to remind you that America was torn as well during the Vietnam War. And there were soldiers then, who lost limbs but still said they would go back to fight. And what good did it do them? What good did it do America?

Kathy, Chatty I truly respect your opinions, and certainly don't want to offend anyone personally. But just as you have your opinions I feel obligated to stand up for mine.

Here are a few examples from thousands of private videos that soldiers taped. Maybe after seeing these you can understand why there is an opposition.

War in Iraq

A personal account

Thirsty Children

I'd send more, but these accounts are enough to break my heart.