
I wish that the rest of the world would follow the UK and do away with the death penalty

With respect to my sisters in the UK, I certainly hope not. When was the last time a rapist and murderer who was executed went out and committed the same crime? There is no out on good behavior. Many hardened criminals, who were out on good behavior, have repeated their crimes. Poor Polly Klas would be alive if her murderer was executed to begin with. Quite frankly, I care more for the little girl than I do for her murderer.

The one mistake that our President made was selling us on the WMD's. I see more clearly other reasons now than I did before, as to why we went to Iraq. As for the WMD's, I believe they were there. How else could saddam have gassed all those innocent people? The WMD's were moved and the UN gave him enough time to do that. There have been evidence of mobile chemical labs in Iraq. I am sure you will not hear of it on CNN.

Here are some other reasons and some of it has to do with bin laden.

1. Saddam has funded alqaeda in order for them to commit their terrorism. 911 wouldn't have been possible if these guys didn't have any money. Saddam was a large contributor along with the Saudi's.

2. There have been underground alqaeda cells in Iraq, which were uncovered by our soldiers. That was reported in the news several times. I guess it's more important to hate a person, as our President is hated.

3. After we defeated the taliban in Afghanistan, the taliban needed a place to regroup and start over. Who hated America as much as or more than bin laden? Saddam did and that is where the taliban were heading next to build their training camps in order to regroup and start over. This has plenty to do with committing more 911's and worse. They are not like the Japanese after WWII. They do not give up, not at all!

I have been studying muslim's for many years, even before 911. They are extremely patient people. Unlike us in the western world who want everything yesterday. They take their time. So much so that some are aware that they will die before their mission is through. They pass it on to the next generation. These are fanatics and if it takes them 300 years to accomplish something for the glory of allah, they are okay with that. We are infidels to them, and they want to get rid of or convert all infidels. We are the infidels to them.

This is not a joke and calling our President a liar certainly is giving them more empowerment. Speaking of lying. Did Bush go to Iraq secretly and looked for WMD's? Did he look for them and not find any, then came back to America and told us they were there? That would be lying.

I am confident that history is going to show us this was the right thing to do.

Anyway, I am not trying to change anyone's mind/beliefs. I just think it fair to be able to give another side to all this. I lost a friend in the pentagon on 911 as well. She was a kind and talented person who didn't hurt anybody. She was 43 at the time, left behind two pre-teens and a husband. Now her children are without a mother. My sympathy goes to them. I really wish that we had enough patience not to go back to sleep again, like we were before that tragic day.

Peace out,