Starting Over,

Congratulations and thanks for reminding me that this too shall past. My pastor spoke on the rainbow after the storm so his message and your posting have definitely renewed my spirits!

We had our initial court session last week and it went well for me and bad for 2bx. Scripture says 'You reap what you sow' and it's harvest time! I received custody and child support. That was the major battle so now all thats left is a little scrimmage and even if I lose that it won't have a devastating impact (difficult but not insurmountable). Unfortunately as the 2bx's facade continues to crumble it means that he gets more desperate and retaliates at home. Similar to FoundHerVoice, the 2bx is manipulating the kids for his own purpose with no thoughts to how it effects their well being. My time is spent doing damage control.

This week has been tough but everyday I'm closer to the end of this storm.

It's good to know that we can prevail while still taking the high road.

Thanks ladies...