I think you were wise to cut it short. No sense in spending the money if you aren't haveing the best time. Maybe you can use that money for something fun in Charleston. Have you been there before? My sister lived there several years back. It's an awesome place to visit. What a fun atmosphere. And with a bunch of gals! You'll have a blast.

Sometimes when I see disabled people while I'm out and about, I don't know how to act. Some want to be totally independent and are insulted when offered help. Others seem like they appreciate the help. What do you recommend?

crosstitch, aren't you proud of yourself that you can recognize what it is you like and don't like at this stage of the game, and then be able to do what makes you happiest...

I was heading out to the movies alone today. That's something I didn't do several years ago. I really don't mind and actually even enjoy seeing certain movies alone. When my youngest son realized I was going alone, he said he would go with me and he did. So we walked into town and saw The Pursuit of Happiness together. No doubt I loved having him with me, but I am also at the point in my life that I will do certain things alone if I want to. Before I worried too much about what others thought.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.