No he is not in jail. They released him on his own recognasance (sp?) I have been told by my attorney that the word around the courthouse is that he will get 5-6 years. My understanding is that he will go straight to whatever punishment on April 21 after sentencing.

Diane, my son (nearly 21-18 at the time) knows everything--in fact my son is the one who found the child porn on his father's computer and after much agonizing called the police. I didn't know until he broke down in tears one morning and told me that they were investigating dad.

It has been awful for us all, but even more so for my son--and I can get very angry when I think about the position my husband put our son in. Turns out my son had found the child porn many years earlier while using dad's computer for a school report that was due. He knew what he saw was bad, but didn't know why he'knew' it was bad. He was simply too young and since he couldn't/wouldn't verbalize it, he internalized it for years, pushing the memory down until one day as a young adult he had to see if his father was still looking at such things. He was and my son turned his father in.

I can wish that perhaps he would have told me, perhaps things could have been handled differently, but the cold reality is that his father was breaking the law and when you know someone is breaking the law you are to report it.

I only pray that my son is not damaged because of all this. I pray the images he saw are miraculously removed from his memory. I pray that Satan never tries to accuse him/make him feel guilty for doing the right thing.

I believe at this point that his father knows who made the call and started the investigation. His dad has not tried to call him or contact him in several months. I am relieved and yet so disappointed in this man who in my mind should be calling his son and saying, "Look I made a terrible mistake, and I am going to pay the price, but I want to pass on my wisdom to you. I want to give you as you enter adulthood my blessings, etc.." I think his dad could have done so much to release my son from the responsibility of calling the police, but that would require a man of courage and there's only one man of courage in my home--and that's my son! May God continue to richly bless my boy!

Sorry all, I got emotional again.