There is a part of me that wanted to leave his things--kind of a 'serves him right' attitude. But there are things that are his family heirlooms that I need to return to his family. I don't know how his family is going to react to me--I haven't talked to them since this happened--I wasn't sure if he was honest with them and didn't want to break their hearts.

There is the opportunity if the judge says he gets those things to have my actions still speak with a Christ like attitude. If this is the case I will surrender the storage key (after he pays for the month's rent!)

And if the judge says I get everything then I can sell tools and lawn equipment and recoop some of my financial losses. If this is the case I will call an auctioneer to haul away and send me a check after auction.

In any case, none of the things in question are going to my new place. I don't want him to know where I have moved to. And from a spiritual point I don't want any 'thing' that might be attached to his belongings coming into my new home. Just packing his office made me sick to my stomach. I have had several people in to pray through the house but that room still bothers me.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. Please keep me covered for divorce court April 7 9am central time. Thanks all!