Dear Starryeyes,

I am sorry to read of your predicament. What a tough choice you have ahead of you. But I think you already know what you have to do and maybe you just needed to get your story out on this forum where you could view it from a vantage point outside your own head. We ladies can (and I'm sure will) offer you our emotional support,lend an ear to vent your frustrations, and like Dotsie said, hope that you find the encouragement you need to do what has to be done. But let's face it - the tough choice ahead is ultimately yours alone, whether it be to end your marriage, or stick with it for the moment.

And I do mean for the moment, because the only sure thing I know about life these days is that it constantly changes. Nothing ever stays the same, and now that you have voiced your feelings you may no longer have the patience to put up with your situation at home. The fact that you realize you've been clinging to your marriage because of financial concerns may no longer carry as much weight now as it did when your husband was contributing more to the financial health of your family. And that puts a whole new spin on the picture. The fact that your husband has been there for the children is wonderful (believe me - I am jealous!), but that does not make the rest of the problems go away.

You say that God hates divorce, but I believe that God does not want us to squander our lives away either. And what will you have to contribute to your children or the rest of the world if you are mired in resentment and bitterness? You have a lot to share with people, and certainly being in radio is a wonderful platform to reach out to others. You never know where that will take you with a positive attitude and a fresh outlook on life. I was nearly devastated by the dissolution of my own marriage,but in some ways it was a huge relief not to have to deal with a level of stress and tension that I did not even realize I carried around with me on a daily basis. And peace of mind is something that you cannot put a pricetag on. The rest will come in time with hard work and determination.

Keep those starry eyes, but please temper them with a dose of reality. You will be in my thoughts.
