Hi Whittle,

One thing I will tell you that happened to me during my recovery. I would feel good and antsy(SP) and start to do things. Such as cooking, shopping, etc. Then the next day I would be so exhausted and I would lay down all day. It took a friend of mine to point this out to me. Everytime she called me, I would tell her that I over did it yesterday and I was exhausted today. I hadn't realized this pattern until she pointed it out. Anyway, I just took baby steps from that time until I was done with my recovery period. I had a wonderful recovery. No matter how a person had their operation rather through a vertical/horizontal incision, laporscopy/vaginal, or vaginal. The inside stitching is the same and that is what needs the most recovery.

I am glad you are doing well Whittle, and thanks for letting us know how you are doing!

Cheers and Hugs,