A Holiday Feel Good Story!

Posted by: Kathryn

A Holiday Feel Good Story! - 12/20/02 11:13 AM

Here is a little ditty that made my day yesterday.
I had a horrible day and when I finally got home I looked forward (ha) to making dinner and dealing with the children's post school almost christmas meltdown. My husband called and said he'd attended a business holiday lunch and miracle of miracles won a door prize. (he never wins anything). The prize was a complete XBOX system and two games. When he returned to the office he asked a co-worker if he knew of any family who was "down on their luck" and had children. The man knew of a family with a little boy with sickle-cell disease. The boy is 12 and had a stroke last year and is blind in one eye and has a lot of health issues. He almost never leaves home. So my husband asked the man to contact the mom and see if he could arrange a meeting with this boy. He's taking the system to him today or Monday. I cried and was so touched by my husbands Christmas spirit. God has blessed us with so much; healthy kids, a nice home and plenty of blessings. I'm so grateful that my husband has such a tender heart!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A Holiday Feel Good Story! - 12/20/02 12:49 PM

What a touching story! You are blessed to have such a thoughtful hubby. When I started reading I thought you were just lucky enough to win the system to give to your kids. What a beautiful twist your story took. It would be great if you could deliver it as a family. I can't wait to hear more about the giving part. Thanks for sharing!