Finding old letters..from her to me..

Posted by: humlan

Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/03/10 05:34 AM

Our old family home is finally being sold and my former husband has a new apartment near by. Our kids are cleaning it out and it is an immense job. They found old letters written to me by my daughter, Susan. Letters written shortly before her death.They are so filled with her love for us..her 2 sisters and brother at the time. She says how she could never have gone on without their presence and love. How grateful she was when she could be at home with us (and not at the hospital..eventho she felt at home there,too). She was afraid of dying..of never having children of her own..and she wondered sometimes why she couldn+t be like her friends..and wished so much that she could. Her love and compassion for us was amazing..way beyond her 11 yrs. Her love..her love was so great. And so, the reading of these letters was bitter sweet and it reminded me of the place of love that we were in. It was a short time..I am now 62 yrs old.But it gave us love and wisdom for a life time. I have much to learn from my young daughter who had to leave so soon.She asked in her letters why she couldnīt play like the other children? Be like them..and this pained her. But it was always her love for us that brought her where she felt safe and loved.

Alittle lesson about life and the living of it, from my 11 yr old daughter..which lives on..thru her letters and thru her memory, that we all carry with us in different ways.

And I am so grateful that she came and went..eventho only a bief time..into our lives.

I must remember what she wrote and try to carry it on.. for all our sakes. The love of family is strong..and can move mountains.. keep life going even for a short time more.

Easy to forget in the business of life..but once upon a time I knew and took the time.

Now I must finally get to sleep..which will come this time..because I have talked and shared with you here.

HUGS! And thank you!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/03/10 11:28 AM

Humlan, I feel the bittersweetness of this. With tears in my eyes, I understand the tidal wave of emotions and ripple effects of finding such wonderful-yet-painful treasures. My heart hopes that your heart is doing well today. Hugs to you, xoxox
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/03/10 11:47 AM

What a beautiful testament to your daughter's life. I too have tears and will remember faithfully to hug mine who is asleep in the next room. Thank you for this. Life is a fragile thing and we forget, as you said, in the busy lives we lead. Now, I won't forget. Thank you for sharing this. I could say it over and over.

I'm sending you lots of love today and tomorrow...and the next.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/03/10 02:04 PM

Your post touched my heart. What warm, beautiful sentiment. The delicacy of your sensitivity is showing. Prayers and blessings,
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/03/10 02:14 PM

You always sign your posts with these words

"some sacred place.."

this says it all....
love you Humlan.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/04/10 07:59 AM

How are you today Humlan...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/04/10 01:47 PM

How'd I miss that: some sacred place. Neat!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/04/10 03:23 PM

Yes, Humlan, please check in and let us know. We're all surrounding you with love.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/04/10 06:00 PM

Humlan such sweet words and thoughts you've decided to share with us. How wonderful that you've found your daughters long lost letters. She left you a legacy of love to help you throughout your life. I, too, sit here with tears in my eyes and my heart swelling with emotion. Thanks so much for sharing this love and kindness with us dear one!

Continuing to hold you in my prayers as you live each day to the fullest.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/06/10 07:41 AM

Humlan..."from the mouth of babes comes truth"..your darling daughter's truths live on in your heart forever...

God Bless you and grant you peace of mind and heart....

Thanks for being here!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/06/10 02:58 PM

Humlan, drop in when you can. We'd love to hear from you. Holding you close, friend.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Finding old letters..from her to me.. - 06/06/10 10:54 PM

Humlan, have I told you lately that I really love you?