change of heart

Posted by: Dotsie

change of heart - 03/20/04 04:29 PM

Just wanted to share that many times before I have my quiet time with the Lord in the morning I feel scattered, fearful, doubtful, and unsure.

After spending time in His word, praying and listening, journaling, and seeking, I get up feeling fresh and brand new. I have the confidence that I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. This is amazing, but it is His promise.

If I could only carry that feeling throughout every second of every day. [Wink] It lasts as long as I remember to allow it.

Do others experience the same?
Posted by: smilinize

Re: change of heart - 03/21/04 07:38 AM

I used to wake up scattered and fearful, but I started something a while back that has helped a lot. I'm not sure where I learned it.

In the morning, the moment I open my my eyes, before I even get out of bed, and before the worries of the day can enter my head, I look outside and immediately begin to silently say a thankful prayer. My first gratitude is for the weather. I hate cloudy days, but if it's cloudy I remember that the sun is still shining somewhere and I am thankful. If it's snowing, I'm thankful for the beauty of it. If it's cold and raining, I'm thankful that something beautiful will grow. And if it's sunny, I'm simply thankful for the joy.
The prayer continues as I crawl out of bed and amble downstairs for coffee then settle in for a quiet time.
By the time I'm conscious enough for the worries of the day intrude, I can be thankful anyway knowing that "all things work together for those who love the Lord."

Praying in that half awake, half dream state seemd to calm me all day long.

Originally posted by Dotsie:
Just wanted to share that many times before I have my quiet time with the Lord in the morning I feel scattered, fearful, doubtful, and unsure.

After spending time in His word, praying and listening, journaling, and seeking, I get up feeling fresh and brand new. I have the confidence that I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. This is amazing, but it is His promise.

If I could only carry that feeling throughout every second of every day. [Wink] It lasts as long as I remember to allow it.

Do others experience the same?

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: change of heart - 03/23/04 07:13 PM

Thanks smile. There is always something to be thankful for. Great idea to do so when geting out of bed. There was a time in my life when the kids were little that I would pray as I rose. Maybe I need to go back to that! Thanks!
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: change of heart - 03/23/04 11:48 PM

Yes, Dotsie, there are times I do feel the same way. I think my word is "overwhelmed" and today is one of those days. I've got so much work to do and it's just so hard to get motivated today. All I want to do is play on the computer, read magazines, knit, watch television. My work isn't getting done, it's piling up and here I am...on the computer . Maybe I need to take my knitting to the pasture and sit with the sheep & horses for a while. That always seems to center me. It's a good time to pray, reflect and just be. There are those who call it a Zen moment. For me, it's a God moment. Hmmmm...that's it then...I'm outta here! Bye-bye.......
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: change of heart - 03/24/04 03:38 AM

Remember that the Christ child was born in a manger surrounded by animals. Maybe thats why you feel centered and relaxed surrounded by your animals. Funny how history repeats itself over and over again. You step into the stables muddled and nervous and step out relaxed and refreshed. I think you are a fortunate women to have such a close association with our animal friends. ENJOY and bless you.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: change of heart - 03/26/04 01:34 AM

Chatty, I love your thoughts for Thistle. How heartwarming!