NASGA news

Posted by: Raven West

NASGA news - 09/03/06 08:55 PM

The members of my newly formed National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse have been working round the clock to help victims out of the legal nightmare and I am very excited to report that we've succeeded in one very serious case first reported to me here at NABBW last February!

One lone voice in cyberspace cried out for help and FINALLY there was an answer! We have a long way to go, but what a fantastic start! If the nightmare of what I went through with my father can bring about such a positive result, then maybe it was worth it.

One down, about 500 PLUS to go! Thank you NABBW for the opportunity to touch so many lives and help people who had no place else to turn.

For information on NASGA, please visit our web site at:

Robin C. Westmiller
aka Raven West
Posted by: 49erDonna

Re: NASGA news - 09/03/06 09:16 PM

What a wonderful service - God bless you all for helping those poor victims who certainly deserve to be treated with respect and care.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: NASGA news - 09/04/06 04:59 PM

Way to go Raven. You've started things in motion. People are listening now, and paying attention. YOU HAVE WON! People...she started as ONE PERSON...ONE VOICE. Look what she's accomplished.

We're so happy for you AND all involved Raven.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: NASGA news - 09/04/06 07:06 PM

Bravo and hoorah for you Raven. God has blessed you and will continue to do so for the unselfish good work you started and are bringing to the forefront. As an elder, I applaud you and am glad our time is finally coming.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: NASGA news - 09/05/06 11:03 AM

Raven, all I can say is I knew you when...

I'm so happy to hear you are up and running. What a dream come true for you.

You're a perfect example of a boomer woman who took soemthing near and dear to her heart and ran with it for the benefit of others. You go girl!