Bystander heroes save motorcyclist

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 09/14/11 04:09 PM

How many of you have seen this remarkable story? I read about it in my newspaper this morning, and then went to look for the video.

Here's an article that tells the details: "Bystanders Life Car Off Injured Biker"

Here's the video that reminds us of how good people can be: Bystanders Lift Car From Motorcyclist
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 09/15/11 08:54 AM

I have seen the video, Anne. Amazing and heartwarming to see such a disparate group of people quickly mobilize to save a stranger. We hear so much bad news and ugly rhetoric anymore. So great to see what we can do.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 09/15/11 02:32 PM

Saw this on GMA and elsewhere; love it. How heartwarming it is to know there are such wonderfully brave folks in the world.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 09/17/11 01:58 PM

Watched this young man thank those who saved him; he seemed grateful to be alive. He said he should've died a number of times!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 03/27/12 09:08 PM

I wonder how many acts of kindness occur each and everyday that we never hear about?
Posted by: jabber

Re: Bystander heroes save motorcyclist - 03/28/12 11:22 AM

The world is full of wonderful people. Bet there are lots of heroisms we never hear about.