Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress

Posted by: Anonymous

Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/25/10 01:49 PM

You gals may enjoy this video! I did. Apparantly the Mistress plans to appeal!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/26/10 08:17 PM

What a interesting video... Likie I have always said:

It takes two to tango.

I am so happy to see the home wrecking woman being held accountable as well. And don't all men use the same lame excuse, the marriage wasn't a good one anyway. WHAT???
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/28/10 07:17 PM

Thanks for sharing, Mustang Gal! I loved watching that clip.

Sounds like exactly what happened to me about 25 years ago. In that case, I went to meet the mistress, as we kept running into each other socially, and things were getting awkward.

Can you believe "TOW" (the other woman) actually told me she had deliberately set out to seduce my (now former) husband. More than that, she told me he tried to resist, but she persevered.

She really wanted me to know that she'd had to work hard to convince him to cheat... As if that would somehow assuage my pain!

Yikes! Not too many people have known that story. Now I've shared it with all of you...

(How did it end? We got divorced. Five years later I met and married my husband of 2 2years, Steve. Two years after that, hubby #1 died of cancer and Steve eventually adopted our two children. I've always somehow thought there's a message from God in there. Just sort of afraid to voice it...)

Too bad the State of Iowa didn't have a similar law then. I would have loved to sue...
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/28/10 08:30 PM

Oh my goodness Anne....I definitely see God's hand in your story...I'm sorry "TOW" caused you so much pain way back when...but it sounds like your Steve more than made up for it....
I'm glad you shared that with us...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/29/10 06:42 AM

All's well that ends well but at the time we never imagine there could be a happy ending... So happy Anne, you found yours!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/29/10 09:24 AM

Thanks for sharing your story. I've a similar tale to tell but
you said it all. Hubby #2 has made up for all the misery I went
through with the first dude. TOW in my situation would've had
anything to take, if I had taken to court. Glad 4 U and glad 4 me!

I saw this initial case U posted on the news somewhere. I think
it's great, 9 million bucks. Wow!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/29/10 09:53 AM

Anne, thanks for sharing -- Wow, thats great that you confronted the TOW. Did she ever apologize? Also, thanks to all of you gals for sharing your stories. Wow, that
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 03/30/10 09:21 AM

Wonder if Xenaphon is any relation to Xena?

Don't know why I see mistakes better in hindsight. It has 2 B
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 04/01/10 08:31 AM

9 million bucks! I'm waiting for some rich b---h to come along
and try 2 steal WB!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 04/01/10 09:33 AM

Oh, they're out there!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 04/01/10 06:01 PM

Try living in Vegas where there are strip clubs galore and these kinds of moraless women frequenting the same establishments your man might be in. There is no such thing as respect for the spouse at home not by the man or the whore thats after him.

My second husband and I owned a cocktail lounge in Chicago and I saw how these tramps tried to get close to my husband. I could be right there too and it didn't matter to them at all. It's like a game; they like what you have so they decide they want it, and fidelity be dammed. I had to read the rules according to me several times to more than a few women. I got my point across one way or the other.

Thank the good Lord my sweet husband was a man of honor who really loved me and our sons. He always said, he'd rather be out on the lake fishing...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wife WIns $9 Millon From Mistress - 04/02/10 07:05 PM

You ladies are cute. Actually I was only joking. WB is a huge
home body and we're very happily married. Hubby number 1, now
he was another story. They go after him, right in front of me.
But #1 was madly in love with himself, so he was easy; like a
famous golfer we all know and used to admire. This husband
I worry not an iota about. And it's a nice feeling 2 B that sure
of someone's faithfulness. Thank U Lord! What a blessing!

There really R more important things than money!