About a month ago I discovered that my ex-husband has already remarried. This is his 4th marriage. W/in 3 mths of our divorce (after 3 mth separation) he had a personal ad and they only dated for less than a year. We've been divorced for 2 years and and 3 months. They've married for almost a year. I've discovered that she owns her own home, thus no mortgage, and is 10 years older than I, and 2 years older than he. My ex is in the military and she is a 20 year retired vet now working as civil service.

In essence, he found someone with no financial obligations (he does not like to spend money on anyone but himself) and will basically do that which he desires. I am the opposite, very strong willed and goal oriented. He did not like that and tried to control me (which became devastating to me b/c he was abusive).

That part of my life is over, yet I was shocked to know that he married so quickly. It rather proves that he did not care that much for me nor a relationship, especially if he can hop so quickly from one to the other. (We married and divorced each other 2X - and during the 1st separation he was already engaged to his 2nd ex-wife w/in a month of our separation).

That is all over, thankfully. Yet, have any of your spouses remarried that quickly, and if so, how did you handle the situation? Guess there is nothing I can do, nor would I, and it no longer suprises me, but was shocking at first. Actually, perhaps I thought I'd be the one to remarry first.