walking challenge

Posted by: Dotsie

walking challenge - 05/02/06 08:44 PM


Please read below to learn why this forum was started. Then put on those sneakers and get outside!

Hey boomers, after the Oprah show yesterday I made a formal committment to myself and to yall that I would walk 30 minutes everyday..everyday.
And i did this morning.

What i'd like to propose here is an on-going thread for those who are, well, walking challenged. (smile) Those of us who have been totally or semi-sedintary for a while that it is hard to do.

Now for the rest of you chipper gals, we'll be looking for you to cheer us on from the side lines. We want to be able to get out there and recite the alphabet backwards and forwards "without breaking a sweat" while fast walking !

So each day I will Check In and give you my time walking and the date...and it wld. be nice to add any thing particular you might have noticed on your walk (what a Plus for doing it!) or something wonderfully insightful or an epiphany you might have had during your 30 minute walk.Please share. If you do this on a treadmill, fine. Just so you walk.

Now, of course, you could lie about it, but what would be the point. A few years back I went thru another transition of getting in shape again...and Not for the health values, oh no! I got to get a Big Pink "x" on my calendar for each day. And before long I was walking 3 miles a day and lost 20 lbs. So whatever works for you.

Ok, so I'll start:

designergrl- May 2, 9:00-9:30. I took this walk and treated as if I was merely checking out the town around me. I kept up a semi-brisk state, but did not rush. And I "kicked out" of my head every negative that came thru and replaced it with good empowering thoughts. It happened to be a cool morning so that helped. And I could smell the honeysuckle and roses here and there. I really enjoyed it !

Next ?

[ May 02, 2006, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: designergrl ]


Posts: 11 | From: North Texas | IP: Logged

Member # 809

posted May 02, 2006 12:14 PM
This morning I walked for close to 45 minutes, at a good pace, so I probably went about 1.75 miles. I say all my memorized prayers (rosary, divine mercy chaplet and others) and then I simply talk to God. I've been doing this on and off for a year and a half, so I could go further, if I had more time. I enjoy watching the bluebirds, magpies and other birds. I wave to all the passing cars, runners, bicyclists and barking dogs. I breathe deep, take long strides and swing my arms. I have the mountains to look at, pretty much the whole time. I LOVE it!!!

Nothing compares to the promise I have in Him

Posts: 2205 | From: Pagosa Springs, Colorado | IP: Logged

chatty lady
Member # 169

posted May 02, 2006 03:10 PM
I had the plumber in very earrrrllllyyyy today, it seems I have a lake under my house. They fixed the leak and I had to get out and clear my head so I went to the pool and walked across it long way, 17 times back aqnd forth. It took about 40 minutes but felt great I also did some water aerobocs with the other two women I met there. It was a semi cloudy morning around 88 degrees and beautiful.

If we all did what we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.

National Assoc. of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW)
Henderson Writers Club (HWC)

Editor www.MysticPublishers.com


Posts: 6800 | From: Nevada | IP: Logged

Member # 1

posted May 02, 2006 03:40 PM
I walked with a friend for three miles last night. We walked and talked our way around our neighborhood. We both have teens so we have lots in common. We laughed a lot at how ridiculous we are because we talk until we're blue in the face to our teens. We did however, mention that all these years of talking may be paying off!

I am going to begin a forum for walkers. I LOVE this idea designergrl. Thanks so much. Look for a walkers forum coming soon.

Founder of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.
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Posts: 10675 | From: Maryland | IP: Logged
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: walking challenge - 05/02/06 09:13 PM

Dotsie, you sure do work fast!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/02/06 10:09 PM

How about that?

Now I need to step away from the computer and call someone to walk with me. [Big Grin]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking challenge - 05/03/06 12:01 AM

I think I'm gonna play like I didn't even see this post.........what? ...........Who told?

Posted by: diamond50

Re: walking challenge - 05/03/06 03:04 AM

This is my second week of walking each morning
for 30 minutes : )
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: walking challenge - 05/03/06 04:00 PM

This morning I was angry with my husband so I used that energy to walk farther!I was out for almost an hour and didn't want to stop!!!
I guess walking isn't my challenge - living with a man...OH YEAH!!!! [Razz]
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: walking challenge - 05/03/06 05:10 PM

I walk my dog every day. And he loves it. He so looks forward to it, that around 5:00 pm each day, he starts asking me to go for a walk. I can't refuse him, he looks so eager and pitiful that I guilt myself into taking him.

Whatever works, right?

I really do look forward to the walk. We live on a deadend street near the end, so I walk to the corner and back. We know most of our neighbors and wave and stop and talk here and there. Jack (my dog) watches for squirrels, cats, birds, and whatever else he can try to chase. I don't let him, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

During this time of the year the Jasmine is in bloom and the whole neighborhood smells wonderful. I love it during orange blossom season too, there's nothig like smelling orange blossoms.

Walking is a nice way to clear your head and re-focus.

Jack and I don't walk far, but we walk every day for about 15 - 20 minutes. It gets us out of the house. Which is a big deal for me because I have anxiety and sometimes have a hard time leaving the house.

Do you know that walking helps build bone density? It's a great thing for us menopausal women when we're losing it more during this time of our lives.

Walk for your health, both mental and physical.
Posted by: designergrl

Re: walking challenge - 05/03/06 09:57 PM

Bone density, huh ? Well, I feel like (or rather my Legs feel like ) I should be the Incredible Hulk-ette. [Smile] I actually walked one hour today. After my housemate took me to go get a script refilled, I had her drop me off at this park near my home, well, it was maybe a little over a mile..and muggy today...so if if even the Pope came by ona motorcycle I was too miserable to notice. I just lugged along saying "it's all good...it's all good."


p.s. I am glad yall think this is a good idea to do, not just walking but being held (gently) accountable.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 01:32 AM

I walked my 30 today! WUHOOO! And now I stink...PEEUUUU!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 03:46 AM

A Queen stink, I think NOT!!!! I walked the pool again and even tried running for 9 trips across both ways. I actually walked constantly for nearly an hour and the best part is no strain or stress or pain anywhere when done. Got a little color today too....
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/05/06 03:53 AM

Love the color comment...as I sit out back with my lap top in the sun...posting!

Chatty, do you still march during commercials?

I walked briskly for 45 minutes last night with a friend. Boy she walks fast! Every now and then I run a few steps to catch up.
Posted by: TVC15

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 04:57 PM

You ladies are making me feel guilty for not walking enough. I'm going to start... soon...
no really I am... What? you want me to go now? And leave my beloved forum? And all my lady friends here? Oh, okay right after I finish reading the next post!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 06:06 PM

The forum will be here when you get back, TVC15!! Walk off that Boomer Butt and get ready for Boomer Buns of Steel (No, mine aren't exactly steel, but that's my goal!!)
Posted by: TVC15

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 08:34 PM

I did it. I did some walking and then I did a little gardening so I guess I got my exercise done for the day. Looking forward to those boomer buns of steel Bluebird...LOL How many more times do I have to do this before it starts to show? 2..3...?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/04/06 11:16 PM

Yes Dotsie I still march during the TV commercials but last night I really goofed because I got up to march and marched right into the kitchen and got a handful of almonds. Thank God I stayed away from the ice cream in the freezer....I sometimes sing the Notre Dame fight song while marching, "fight, fight, fight my butt is shrinking." Changing the words a bit however, LOL [Cool] [Smile] [Big Grin] [Wink] [Razz]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/05/06 04:23 PM

TVC, congrats on getting out the door and putting one foot in front of the other. Keep on trucking.

Chatty, almonds are so good for you!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/05/06 11:55 PM

Yes almonds are so good for us so long as they are unsalted and not roasted. I learned about the not roasting on that Oprah health show the other day. When they are roasted they taste good but the good oils are destroyed and even turn rancid. These I have are non-roasted and no salt and taste heavenly and you can actually eat 20 of them, one ounce.....

[ May 05, 2006, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 05/06/06 04:12 PM

ok...I have been hiding from this thread..but it's been eating away at me...see how easily I am intimidated by peer pressure? [Big Grin]

So...first thing this morning, after walking my dogs, I took a brisk 30 minute walk...just to keep up with my Boomer sisters..walking my dogs doesn't count...they stop every 5 feet to sniff a rock or "water" a fire hydrant...anyway...I'm on board with this new BWS endeavor...thanks for the push girls... [Smile]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: walking challenge - 05/06/06 10:27 PM

Not only is walking good for your body, it is so good for your mind and spirit! It gives you a chance to walk away from your life and just "be". The breathing is wonderful, the sound of your footsteps is rhythmic...Usually the days I really don't feel like doing it, are the days I end up enjoying it the most. It's also great because if you ended up eating junk food during the day (or at night!!) you don't feel so guilty about it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/07/06 12:28 AM

I will miss the pool walking from Sunday until Tuesday because I have to help paint a new animal shelter that has been under construction in a town near here with several other volunteers. I am hoping that painting will count as exercise....maybe I can talk someone into walking with me too.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/07/06 12:31 AM

Painting definitely counts as exercise, especially for the upper body.

For the record - I walked 45 minutes yesterday and 45 minutes today with a friend. Also walked around two festivals today, and gardened. I'm pooped.

Bluebird, I couldn't agree more. My only problem is that I justify too much snacking.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 05/07/06 08:34 PM

I walked to church today...22 minutes there....with an hour break for mass....and then walked briskly back home and then some...to make the walk back total 30 minutes...it was sunny and beautiful, although a little windy..

Chatty...painting definitely counts...you are so wonderful...you are ALWAYS helping someone!!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/08/06 06:46 PM

Blondi, I have to laugh at your walk to chruch. I also walked to church but it's directly across the street from my home so it doens't count. You got in a pretty good walk. Great idea.

I wlaked for 45 minutes with my friend again. Am not walking today. It's raining, but am wlaking bright and early tomorrow morning.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: walking challenge - 05/08/06 07:07 PM

Wow, I really like this new forum! I love walking and walk my dog at least 1.4 miles a day in addition to other walking, I also like charity walks and when I lived in Germany I very much enjoyed volks marching, yet there is no such club in my local area. But, some of you gals may look into the same for your areas as it may be a good way to meet others if you're single! (hint, hint) [Roll Eyes]

Also, I find walking very peaceful and helps me work through some issues that may be bothering me at the days end or prepare how I shall address an issue that day.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/09/06 04:24 PM

Mustang, thanks for the reminder to do charity walks. We have so many in Baltimore. I think that may be soemthing I'll do on weekend in my enpty nest.

No walk yesterday andmy friend called and cancelled out on our 6:15 morning walk for today. Perhaps I'll get one in later.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/15/06 02:23 PM

I've only walked twice since the 9th and one of those walks was a nice long stroll with Ross and our dog. I don't count that.

How's everyone doing?
Posted by: Maggie

Re: walking challenge - 05/15/06 06:02 PM

I'm here to cheer you all on.
When I broke my leg,ankle a few years ago my challenge was to walk again. This was before the soft casts they have today.
When I started I walked a 1/2 block and back the next day was 1 block and on. Today I am up to two miles.
Walking with family. Now a friend has moved in. We call each other whenever we feel like walking. She told me I am the only friend she can call on the spur of the moment and will walk.
There are so many things to see and it changes every day.
Good for all of you who are excercising somehow.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 05/15/06 10:21 PM

I'm still walking each morning...but I'm still at the beach and everything is flat down here...the real test will be in 2 weeks when I go home to PA ...everything is so hilly there...it won't be quite so easy...I hope I can continue this program then.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/17/06 01:05 AM

Now Nancy my friend the hillys in Philly (LOL) will be the best part of your walking exercise. Go for it you'll see a difference in your upper thighs and butt almost immediately. I tried a really fast walking stride today and nearly bent over as my breath left my body, too much too soon. Easy old girl, I thought to myself
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 05/18/06 03:53 AM

Chatty...I am so envious that you get to do some of your "hiking" in a pool...that must feel fantastic!!..I didn't walk today beacuse I am cleaning like crazy...my summer tenants take over at the beach next Thursday...but the houses are 3 stories with lots and lots of steps...I ran up and down a jillion times today so i gave myself a pass on the walking....y old muscles are really aching tonight!!! [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/18/06 04:54 PM

Blondi, cleaning counts! But if I were you, I wouldn't miss walking that beach.

I trucked around NYC the past couple days and will be trucking around DC tomorrow at the Book Expo. Lots of walking, but not the same as walking the neighborhood briskly with a friend.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/18/06 11:01 PM

Nancy walking up and down a zillion stairs far outweighs just walking on a flat surface so you are way ahead of the game for sure. I am fortunate to have the pool to exercise in, there is alsolutely no stress on any part of the body and the experts all say that doing exercise against the weight of water is doubley beneficial, I hope they're right....Isn't there an ocean there near you to walk in?
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 05/19/06 06:20 PM

Chatty..it's true...there is an ocean right at the end of my street...the problem is though...the temperature is only 51 degrees!!!..I'd have a heart attack for sure walking in there... [Smile]

also...I love your new quote!!!

[ May 19, 2006, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: AvalonBlondi ]
Posted by: FitlySpoken

Re: walking challenge - 05/22/06 06:59 PM

Walking is my therapy!

Absolutely miss it if I miss a few days. Usually walk 1-3 miles per session ... sit in the sun a spell and continue on. Hubby & I usually stride along together ... have noticed my age depends on how fast I really want to go. But go I must. It blows out all the cobwebs and stirs my soul for the day.

Keep on walking, keep on keeping on! [Cool]
Posted by: Misfire

Re: walking challenge - 05/24/06 02:39 PM

Wow ... a forum on walking ... maybe it will inspire me to "get back into it". I've been walking for exercise and mental health for years but frequently life interfers with my plans and before I know it, I'm out of the routine. But, inspired by all of you, this AM I went out and walked 27 minutes. Thanks!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking challenge - 05/25/06 02:37 AM

Misfire that tremendous! Don't you love the way it makes you feel when you're finished? It's like "Wuhooo! I did something for me!"

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/26/06 03:39 AM

Misfire, good for you. Now go back out this evening and walk 28 minutes.

I took one of my longest walks ever last night with a friend. We walked for at least an hour and a half. Boy did we feel great when we were finished.

Funny thing. I weighed myself this morning and am down three pounds. Woohoo!
Posted by: Misfire

Re: walking challenge - 05/25/06 10:34 PM

I walked 23 minutes this AM and plan to go out tomorrow morning. The hardest part is getting myself out the door but I know that walking has always worked well for me. I've tried exercise equipment, health clubs, etc., but nothing works as well for me as good old walking. And, it's cheap!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/26/06 06:51 PM

Anne, sometimes (like when I was just in New Orleans) when I don't know where I am, I'll walk 20-30 minutes in one direction, then back. It works for me. I do that on the beach too. I always have to remember landmarks or else I get lost.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/27/06 11:47 PM

My granddaughter said to bring my hiking boots, what hiking boots, I'm going up to her chalet on the mountain to rest, lay on the sofa in front of the glass side of the house and gaze out the window, right??? WRONG, she says we will be doing a lot of mountain hiking and climbing. Whoa is me, I may be an old goat but don't want to climb about like one, really!! Oh and her idea of trail food is turkey jerky and water. If no one hears from me I may be dead, probably fell off the dam mountain or starved to death.... [Cool] LOL, wish me luck!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/28/06 03:55 AM

chatty, what a hoot. I can't wait to hear about this adventure.

Anne, are the beaches close enough for you to visit and walk on a regular basis? I'd give just about anything to live on the water.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/28/06 03:58 AM

Oh, I walked for an hour and twenty minutes with a friend today. It's such an incredible time to walk in this part of the country. The weather is perfect and the air smell so sweet. Everything's in bloom.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/29/06 02:17 PM

Did another extremely long walk yesterday, buy also went to two graduation parties, so I think it was the smart thing to do. I'm loving this long weekend. I hope everyone else is too.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/30/06 12:57 AM

Stealing a few computer minutes while my granddaughter Cristy is out with her boyfriend who came up for today and tomorrow. We leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning for a hike and camp out. I haven't seen dawn for many many years. No fires allowed up here because its so dry so the kids are getting army meals that don't need heating, also turkey jerky and trail mix. I must be out of my mind doing this. Hey her new home is fabulous and I prefer to stay right here or at the lodge. Oh hey, I met a Doctor last night, he's staying at the lodge with what I thought was his family. Turns out the woman is just his daughters companion/nanny and that he is a widower. We all had dinner together and girls I gotta tell you, what a hunk! He's smart, good looking, a great dad and he's funny. They also have 4 dogs and 2 horses back in Utah where they live. He asked for my phone number...and got it too! I was ready to carve it into his arm, he, he!!

Oops, the kids are back, wish me luck tomorrow scaling this dam mountain like some demented goat. Why me God, why me??? I will say that the scenery up here is breathtaking, I just don't want to become a permanent part of the landscape, splattered at the foot of some cliff...HUGS [Eek!]

[ May 29, 2006, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 05/30/06 02:38 PM

Chatty, take pictures. I think this is great. I hope you're having a blast. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. After all your cooking, I can't imagine you eating army meals. I hope nyou survive. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and try like crazy to keep your balance.

And of course I want to hear more about this doctor...Maybe if you get hurt, he can come to the rescue. [Wink] [Razz]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 05/31/06 11:22 PM

Okay thats it, no more hiking for this grandmother. My God, talk about scary! I forgot I'm afraid of heights and here I am trudging up, up and up on some stinking mountain. I put my foot down this morning and I mean down, all the way down where they will remain...I'm too old for this stuff. [Frown] I nearly gagged on those Army meals, those poor soldiers having to eat that garbage. I have to admit however, I do like the turkey jerky. Tonight I'm making Chicken Roll-Ups with pasta sauce with Garlic Penne. We invited Doc and his daughters and a couple we met on the trail. It should be a nice evening, we can eat out on the deck with the entire mountain to gaze at. Now thats my idea of roughing it. [Wink] [Big Grin] [Cool]

[ May 31, 2006, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 06/01/06 04:23 AM

Sounds like you're having a great time in a beautiful place Chatty!!! That makes me happy....and definitely...no more hiking...save it for that glorious pool you like to walk in when you get home... [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 06/03/06 02:05 PM

Chatty, can't wait to hear about the rest of your excursions.

Blondi, when do you get to go back and walk the beach again?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/03/06 11:04 PM

Scattered throughout the different posts are excerpts from my vacation up on Mt. Charleston. I met, then rebuffed a possible suitor. I made some gourmet meals and became addicted toi turkey jerky. I went hiking up rugged terrain, never again!! [Eek!] I made friends with some chipmunks, wanted to bring some home but know better, they are wild creatures. Met numerous new friends in the lodge/hotel and had really good meals there, especially breakfasts. My granddaughter and I stayed up really late talking and laughing till we were exhausted, growing even closer. [Wink] All in all it was the most relaxing time I've had in awhile. She gave me a key and told me I can come up anytime I want to whether she's in town or not, as she does some traveling. Totally rested and still managed to stay in contact with the forum. Reeta, Rosee and I leave for our drive down the mountain tonight when the sun goes down and it cools off some....

[ June 04, 2006, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Cookie

Re: walking challenge - 06/04/06 02:34 PM

I have been a walker off and on for many years. I like how it makes me feel....healthy, refreshed,& energized. I would be consistent for a long time. Nothing would get in my way of my walk....then it would rain, or an appointment comes up, or something. It would be enough of an excuse to break my stride. So I would quit... using the excuse I simply didn't have the time, and when I did find the time, I would tell myself I was just too tired. So that would be the end of my walking regime for the time being....AGAIN! But later down the road, I would always start the walking routine again. This game has gone on for about 20 years with me. I have a quote that I keep on my frig. that Mother Teresa said, "God doesn't require us to succeed; He only requires that you try." So here I go again...trying to move my feet. I have started walking daily for about 2 weeks now. I roll out of bed about 5:15 A.M. and quickly change clothes, feed my cats, and out the door by 5:30 with my feral bed hair that I forget to run a brush through first. But oh, well. I'm not here for anyones viewing pleasure. [Wink] It is hard to roll my 50 year old butt out of bed at that time of morning, but it is the most peaceful, quiet, beautiful part of the day. All I can hear is the birds singing, a oot owl, and a rooster off in the distance. I feel the freshness of the morning air on my skin and then I see the sunrise... what beauty to behold....a new day, a new start to try again. I feel blessed and so close to God in that quiet time of the morning, and I spend my morning walk talking to Him.

I know sooner or later, an excuse will appear....but I know if I am blessed enough to have another day, I will try again! [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 06/06/06 01:57 PM

Cookie, you must live in the country with those morning sounds. How peaceful. Tell us about the scenery on your stroll.

I'm hoping to get a walk in with a friend today. I walk late in the day with one friend, and other days I walk early in the morning with another friend. I tend to carry tension in my shoulders and walking really helps me with that.
Posted by: cara4art

Re: walking challenge - 06/07/06 03:48 AM

Walking rocks!
Although I always walked long distances in the urban environments where I lived, out here in my current rural area is REALLY conducive to distance walking. It's amazing though, by far the most days I'm the only one out on foot, and I don't know how many times I've been asked if I want a ride, or if I'm "training for a marathon" or something. People just don't walk!!! It seems that people are almost threatened by seeing someone actually get off their butt and move it. Meanwhile, we are actually built to walk long distances - the Masai warrior peoples walk 25 miles a day as a matter of course.
I walk 5 days out of seven - the other two days I go to town, and for 5-6 miles each time(hey, a breeze compared to the Masai distance!). With a moderate diet, along with weight-training, weight control is automatic.
Also, people ask me if I "still" walk, as though it's expected that I should not exercise as much at the age of 58. It's well known at this time that exercise is even MORE important as we get older, and the sooner we start the better. Lots of what was considered inevitable aging is largely a function of dis-use.
A number of years ago, my aunt went to a lecture by an orthopedist who was talking to a group of older women, and he came right out and said this:
"I know I'm probably going to put myself out of business by saying this, but one of the best things you ladies can do to ward off osteoporosis and other disabilities is to walk, long and often!"
Posted by: Cookie

Re: walking challenge - 06/06/06 06:47 PM

We have groves of trees and creeks surrounding our area so there is alot of nature living in there. Most mornings are peacful, but this morning I encountered a fox, which is not too unusal around here. We all see them from time to time. But...she just popped out of the wooded area a few feet in front of me to cross the road. [Eek!] She had youngin's so I gave her a WIDE berth cause we all know how mean mamma's can be when strangers approach their youngin's! I was thinking at the time I did not need to finish my walk because my heart rate was already up plenty high for an areobic workout. But nobody panicked...much. She went about her fast walk across the road, which I graciously let her go first, and then I went about mine, whew!

Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 06/08/06 04:48 AM

I love that you have more than one friend willing to walk with you...now that's REAL incentive to stick to your walking plan...I am back to walking in the park....it's pretty there but nothing like walking on the beach...unfortunately the park will have to do until my renters move out and I get the beach house back after Labor Day....99 more Days!!!
How depressing is that????
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/08/06 11:42 PM

Back to the pool walking but hard finding the time to do it now....geesh!
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 06/09/06 06:02 AM

Chatty...I just love to picture you marching around that pool...wish I could join you... [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking challenge - 06/09/06 01:48 PM

hmmm, that's weird. I thought I responded to this yesterday. Must have lost the post.

I walked this morning at 6:15 for 50 minutes with a freind. Great way to start the day.

Blondi, I hear you about walking on the beach. Your countdown reminds me of what my seniors were doing with the last day of school this year!
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 06/10/06 03:42 AM

You caught me Dotsie!!..I have pretty much been acting like a kid for the past few weeks...pouting and sulking over missing my Avalon....I am doing a little better today....going shopping for annuals to fill all of the barrels in my backyard...we're hosting our annual Father's Day Crab Feast next Sunday with my family and my best friend Peggy's gang...it's always a great time....we eat hard shell crabs on the porch and listen to our grown up kids talk about their childhoods....funny...they seem to recall it quite differently than we do....lots of laughs though...all of my kids will be home except for my oldest Daughter who is still living in Washington state...great news on that front though...they are moving back east to DC in November when her husband will begin his final tour of duty with the navy at the Pentagon...I am sooooooo happy about that... [Smile]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/11/06 02:52 AM

Nancy, and you envy me huh????? I would give up the pool all summer for a day like yours with your family eating hard shell crabs (my favorite) and talking and laughing ourselves silly...sounds just fabulous to me.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking challenge - 06/15/06 06:42 PM

Chatty...come for a visit...I have plenty of room!!.. [Smile]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: walking challenge - 06/15/06 06:53 PM

Chatty, pick me up on the way, k? I'm east of you..
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/15/06 07:12 PM

Don't tempt me I just might surprise you. Gladly Bluebird, what a time we would all have.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/18/06 10:18 PM

Well I may not be pool walking right now but are you familar with the term person dragging? Ever tried walking a 100 pound Newfoundland that seems to have had no kind of obedience training? Whoa is me, my shoes are smokin from tryen to slow down some, oh my God...HEEELLLPPP!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: walking challenge - 06/18/06 10:24 PM

Hi chatty. Have you tried a gentle leader? I have two dogs that would pull my arms out of my sockets. I tried the Gentle Leader and it really works - no more pulling. It fits around the nose and up behind the ears so has to be fitted properly, but the dogs are so much easier to walk now!! It's now a joy to walk with them.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: walking challenge - 06/19/06 09:41 AM

My Weim drags me, but she is getting better as she is aging. She's 3 years old now. I tried the Gentle Leader on her and she tried to get it off during every walk. I've seen many people use it successfuly at the dog park, though.

Posted by: yonuh

Re: walking challenge - 06/20/06 03:48 AM

Hi Daisygirl. My dog has been wearing a gentle leader for 7 or 8 years and still tries to paw it off. But I'm not taking him anywhere without it. Some dogs are just so darn stubborn! [Smile]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/19/06 10:58 PM

A lot of the people at the dog park use those. I just didn't want to stress poor Smoochie out anymore than she already was. Yes, I spoiled my children too...LOL [Big Grin] She did much better today, she is as smart as can be and I think she was just so stressed. After all her family is missing... [Frown] I'm worried about her because as thin as she is she doesn't want to eat and I have been giving her ground broiled steak and veges just to coax her to eat. We're waiting for her blood work to come back to Dr. Mike. She should be about 50 pounds heavier than she is.
I'm not leaving the house or her until we know something. I don't want to have to kennel her and would if I were gone. Luckily my authors can come here to the house for the time being and my girlfriends are shopping for me today. Everyone loves her and are willing to do whatever it takes....
Yonuh I had to laugh at the comment, some dogs are just so stubborn. Thats my Yorkie Reeta, she thinks she is in charge of everything and lets us know it, loud and clear. [Wink]

[ June 19, 2006, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: walking challenge - 06/20/06 01:15 PM

Chatty, thank goodness your new child has you to care for her!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking challenge - 06/20/06 10:46 PM

Thanks Daisygorl, update on Smoochie the Newfoundland....She is at the vet hospital now with IV's and will be having surgery to see if her internal damage can be repaired. She has several ruptures and slow bleeding into her stomach cavity. The vets say it looks like she had either been kicked numerous times or was pushed from a moving vehicle. I knew something had to be wrong yet she is so sweet and attached herself to me like a magnet. She would fall asleep and whimper and jerk. They say she must be in pain and yet she is so gentle and loving. I am so mad and so heartsick that so called humans could do such things....Keep up the prayers please...

[ June 20, 2006, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Phyllis0618

Re: walking challenge - 07/23/06 10:04 PM

Hi..anyone live in Michigan? I need a walking partner and getting up early sounds great. Last month we purchased Comcast TV. They offer an exercise on TV feature.

About a week ago, I started with their walking for over 40 and that gets boring. Next, I have started 10 minutes of body toning for the thighs, chest and stomach. Boy that feels good and looks better.

I need about 20 pounds off me just to get down to 140 pounds. That is not skinny but will work. Most of my meals are good with some cheating once in a while. Emotionally this is a real challenge. Finding what is bothering me and facing it is also a challenge. I have been on many forums with different topics. Hope I open up to myself through others.

Used to walk 10 miles a day when there was someone who pushed me. Lost 35 pounds and felt great but that took time. Lost that partner and went to hell. Hope hearing from all of you will keep me energized. Thanks.
Posted by: Phyllis0618

Re: walking challenge - 11/07/06 11:55 PM

Today is Election Day 2006. The weather has become cold and now I walk to Comcast Exercise Channel. They have two walking programs and I switch as not to get bored. Each is a one mile walk in 18 minutes. Today I worked on bot of them but only made it half way through the second (1 1/2 mile) today. There was a time long ago (15 years) when I actually did 30 mile bikeathons and 10 mile walkathons. Those were the days. However, I was not married (again) and had a male friend pushing me along. Then I go married and that stopped. Now I pay the price for it. Thank you for this forum. I have 15 pounds to lose and walking is a big help. Unfortunately walking indoors to a program does not give me the head clearing I get when walking outdoors by myself. Look forward to the spring again. I really admire those who walk all year long. [image]http://[/image] Have a great day.