Asked for a date...

Posted by: chatty lady

Asked for a date... - 12/26/08 08:46 PM

Remember I mentioned meeting a new man, Glenn, at the resorts Christmas party. Well he sought me out and put a note on my door with his phone number asking me to please give him a call. Today I called and he asked me out on a date for New Years Eve. It would be with a bunch, six other couples all from the resort, and most I know well. I said yes! So for the first time in almost ten years, I have a date for New Years.
We'll see if this goes well???
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/26/08 08:58 PM

Chatty, enjoy yourself and kick up your heels. I'm absolutely charmed for you!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/27/08 09:26 PM

Have a Wonderful Time. You deserve it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/28/08 05:02 PM

Having second thoughts for some reason today. I think I am getting too lazy to want to even bother anymore. Not a good thing to admit abbout nmyself, but a truth never the less.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/28/08 08:13 PM

its also easie to not bother is it lasiness or a wee fear about something....

push yourself take the time if not for this mans sake then for your woen and who you might meet and what you might do apart from being their witgh this man. its two issues one the person two the circumstanse. Iv got the same kinda circumstanse, problem and trying to find some kinda motivasion lol especiallie when the babiesitter could so easilie let me dowen in the end lmao.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/28/08 08:14 PM

are you a bit scared sorry just assumed their and didn't wanna chat for you, but howd do you feel about dating again?
Posted by: Anno

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/29/08 08:31 AM

Chatty, you go and have a nice time.

I know what you mean about being too lazy. But it's only one date, and one time that you have to get ready and go. One date at a time, so to speak. smile
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/29/08 09:50 AM

chatty, how are you feeling about this today? I hope you get nervy and go. Since you enjoyed his company at the party, I bet you'll have a good time.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/29/08 03:50 PM

YOu are of course right ladies and I will be going. The bad thing is all of the people but me drink, and so I sit there watching them all get plastered and begin to behave badly. I already told Glenn, my date, that when it gets too weird I will say goodnight and he can either come along or stay with the party people.

I would love to go to the top of the Stratesphere, away from the New Years Eve revelers and watch the fireworks. Then maybe a late night supper somewhere calm, and quiet with good music, where we can actually hear one another talk.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/29/08 04:13 PM

Chatty, I hope you have a good time. I know what you mean about making an effort, to get dressed, to go out, to meet and greet. At least you will be in a setting that is comfortable to you.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/31/08 06:45 PM

Yep PL, and I am taking my own car too, and meeting them all at the club. This way I can get up and split if I feel ike it.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Asked for a date... - 12/31/08 06:49 PM

Oh, Chatty, I am waiting anxiously to hear about the evening. I hope you are having a wonderful time. Glenn is a lucky guy, tonight.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/01/09 04:21 PM

It went well Anno. Had a nice dinner at the Venetian early enough to get off the strip before the party goers arrived and the streets were closed. Its a mad house here on New Years Eve. We went to Fremont Street and listened to the bands and then headed for a nice quiet cocktail lounge to listen to some Jazz and have a midnight snack. I got my first New Years kiss in many years, right at midnight, and right on!!! The man can kiss, whoop-tee-do! I was home by 3:00 a.m. All in all it was a lovely evening.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/01/09 04:36 PM

Oh, sweetie! Did you make plans for a second date?
What did you wear?
Did you hold hands when you walked?
Did you dance?

More, girl, more!
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/01/09 05:06 PM

Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A New Year's kiss from a good kisser to boot! Whoo Hoo!!!!!!

I'm with Anno...more details (giggle).
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/01/09 07:46 PM

Chatty, my ears are getting company,...My grin is THAT wide!!! Sounds like a perfect date; first party and then alone with your date.
I'm so very happy for you. smile
Posted by: Dee

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 10:08 AM

Chatty...were there 'fireworks!!??'
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 10:41 AM

"I was home by 3:00 a.m."

Holy Moly. You must have been enjoying yourself. I can't tell you the last time I was up until 3:00. What fun!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 05:54 PM

Well lets see, yes we danced to slow jazz and he is like six foot three and I believe I felt my knees go weak a time or two.

We held hands when strolling along and I was pleased to see that a couple of drinks were his limit.

When having our midnight snack, watching the fireworks, he asked for another date. I was stunned. What a gentleman he seems to be. He followed me home and waited until I was inside before driving away. Now thats class!

I also hope he will be at least a friend. I am so gun shy because of husband number three, the loser. He too said and did all the right things before we got married. Then as the night turned to day, he turned from the actor acting, to the real person he was...

This was nice but I am taking all the time I need to date BUT there will be nothing else as far as I am concerned. Once burnt, twice careful.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 06:23 PM

There's nothing wrong with being careful...and taking things slow....and being cautious. That makes you smart. Make him play by your rules...and if he cares enough about you, he'll respect them and you. I'm so glad you had a good time AND he's asked you out again...isn't it fun to find this at this point in your life?
Keep us posted on....uh what's his name?
Posted by: cyclinggal

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 06:45 PM

ChattyLady -- sounds like you are doing what you need to do to protect yourself until you know this guy better. He should appreciate this in you. I think it takes a number of months (or years)to really get to know someone, and I think the best thing you can do is to see him in a variety of situations -- the day-in and day-out stuff -- not necessarily "dating". How is he with your friends, his friends, etc.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/02/09 07:57 PM

Hi Chatty, I'm glad the night went well for you! I've been married 20 years, have had New Year's Eve with this hubby 24 years, and the only kisses I remember is from our doggies. He is a restaurant manager, and always works on New Year's Eve. However, he has a job! It is a good thing to be cautious and take your time. Wow, I hope you have a lot of fun.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/03/09 07:54 AM

Yes ladies I fully intend to take it slow. His name is GLEN. He seems to have made many friends at the resort we live in for having been here less than a year, most are my friends as well.

At least you hubby is out working new years eve P.L. and not out boozing etc. Bless his heart!

I have been very fortunate in the past with my men doing it my way, and loving it. The only one that didn't was #3, he's been an ass right from the start. I am positive that if I hadn't been near a nervous breakdown due to exhaustion from my poor sisters MS/Dementia and my caring for her for five years alone, 24/7 before she died, plus working a fulltime job from home. I would not have been vulnerable to his lies. It's like I was in a trance or something. I have been paying for that ever since.

Someone said, "If you think education will cost you, try ignorance." Boy is that ever true!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/03/09 05:59 PM

NO need of that Anne, dating once in awhile is as far as I am willing to go. I still see my detective buddy too. We understand one another and just want to have companionship and fun when we are out and about together. He said he'd check Glen out for me if I want him to. I said nope, but I know him, he'll do it anyway and tewll me the results if there are any. I am too lazy to have to work on a relationship, blah, poohey!!!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/04/09 12:02 AM

That's so true, Chatty, that the jerks prey on those who appear to be vulnerable. Also true about my husband catering to the drunk and disorderly rather than being with them.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/12/09 03:19 PM

I just got to this and I'm so happy to learn that you had a great date, Chatty. I hope you see him again and he remains "as is."

I can't do it again. It's been 5 years and I don't even want to. I liked having my guy friends at work, most of them are great. Now that the job is over I miss those hugs.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/15/09 01:51 PM

Anne, maybe you should stick to hanging out with the girls and forget about the guys for a bit. Sometimes when we least expect it, something changes. I so hope that's the case for you! Keep hanging in there girlfriend.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/16/09 07:30 PM

And heres a recap on Glenn the man I almost got hooked up with...
OMG! Never a dull moment around here...Everything that happened in the past week around me is going into my book.

He is not married to the woman he was with, Cora not anymore. They have been divorced now for some 15 years. She got cancer of the pancreas and lost her home in New York where they were from and asked him if she could come here as her treatment would be in Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Arizona. He said okay and she has been here for about 6 months now.

What happened was, he called me, I hung up! Called again, same! So he came to my house with her and they sat down and explained. She was very friendly. He said he lied because no woman would believe a story like that. I about laughed myself silly saying, boy do I have a story for you and proceeded to tell him about my ex, who is now living with me. We all had a good laugh and he apologized and she said to me privately that he is really a nice guy. She said, he worked too much and she was bored. She had an affair and left him flat for someone else who she then married. and the new guy left her flat six years later after she became ill. I have to say, I like her.

So ladies I was wrong about Glenn. He is okay just a bad liar, with lots on his plate. He wants us to be an item, or at least date and I left it at maybe. So who knows?
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/16/09 09:48 PM

Oh good lord are assembling all this for a book release, right? The Adventures of would be a hoot!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/17/09 05:37 PM

Oh yeah, ALL of my adventures will be published in my book, the positive ones and the negatives ones, so watch out...LOL!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/23/09 01:38 PM

godness iv just cought up with the latest chatty.

what wsse't clear was if you were still goinna see him,now since its a while since your maybee?
Posted by: humlan

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/23/09 07:34 PM

All I gotta say, Chatty,is, thank goodness we don´t know eachother personally... smile (JOKING bigtime here. grin )

and my advice..which you didn´t ask for, I know..but anyway..think twice..three times..four don´t need him in your life. That´s my gut feeling..and, as you know, I have IBS..the "running" kind

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/23/09 09:01 PM

If I see him its okay, if not thats okay too. I am in my own world filled with things I must make time for, he may be included in them and maybe not!! I kind of like things the way they are now.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/23/09 09:39 PM

Hi Chatty, I'm back after visiting my mom and step f. Yours is the first thread I read. Seems it's always something, and at our ages, there is always a lot of history to contend with. L, PL
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/24/09 04:28 PM

Welcome back P.L., how is your mom doing? And yes it seems that is is always something. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes not so much!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/25/09 11:56 AM

Hi Chatty, my mom, not so good, but she still knows me, and responds to my reading aloud to her on spiritual stuff. I'll share more on the caring for parents forum. I thought of you there. They live in a great community for seniors. I so enjoyed walking everyday because it was a place where the seniors were out biking, walking dogs, going to the club house, golfing, swimming. Active. Friendly. The association fees are only 1000.00 per year for all of the ameneties. That's not bad.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/26/09 07:55 PM

Yee gads, that seems like a lot to me. I guess not paying any fees here has spoiled me. Didn't realize how lucky we all are here, I will be sure to mention this at our next meeting.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/26/09 10:30 PM

Chatty, the community has a couple of beautiful pools. By beautiful I mean there are fountains, a wading pool, a lap pool, a shower by the pool, and it's heated. Tennis courts, golf course, club house, library... The irony is that in 1976 I bought land in that exact spot, and my parents who live in this community, said to me then, what are you doing in this ... forsaken desert... without a well to ... in. Now, it is an entire subdivision, with city services! It would be more ironic if I bought my parents house and spent my last years within walking distance of my first years. Make sense? I must have been a visionary. Wish I could predict the future now!
Posted by: JackieG

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/27/09 10:04 PM

If only PL, we could all see things that are coming, wouldn't that be sweet- LOL - if you feel you have a gift for it, the next time you feel inspired to do something maybe you should run with it, within reason... I find just getting quiet and praying, helps me to find the answers in time.

Chatty, LOL -I wouldn't recommend saying anything about condo or community fees at your next meeting, because if someone who would profit from having fees for your community gets wind of that idea, just saying...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/28/09 05:54 AM

Yee gads, your so right Jackie. Mums the word, zipping my lips!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 01/28/09 08:03 AM

Jackie, I was thinking the same thing. Chatty, if you don't want to pay them, don't mention it. Yikes.

PL, sounds like a lovely retirement community. Is in it PA?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/11/09 06:09 PM

Heres one for the books. I went to the bank today and the store and when I arrived home I found (one date with) Glen sitting in my living room talking to my ex, the mouch!

He stood up right away and said; I hope you don't mind sweetie, but I wanted to ask your ex if it was okay for us to attend the Valentines Day doings at the clubhouse on Saturday night.

My ex just sat there with a sinister smile on his face that made me want to slap it off. I lead Glen outside and told him in no uncertain terms, I wouldn't go with him now if he begged me on his knees. Then said 3 things. . .

Number 1, my ex has NOTHING to say about anything I do, reason he is called EX!!!

Number 2, who does he think he is coming to my home with me not being there, and he'd know because my car was gone?

Number 3, then I said get out, stay out and forget you know me.

Before slamming the back door I said; looks to me like he should be friends with my EX, they seem like two of a kind, both idiots. Goodbye!!!

As I closed the back door, I heard the front door close as well, my EX had escaped my temper by running off and avoiding me. BUT he has to show up sometime!!!!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/11/09 06:44 PM

Quick, change the locks!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/11/09 06:53 PM

You are so funny Dancing Dolphin. Now where is that screwdriver???
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/12/09 10:28 PM

Yes, Chatty, throw his suitcase out in the yard, and change the locks. Men are so obtuse. If I recall the details correctly, this new guy has an ex as well, and you met the ex? Can't keep it straight, all this coming and going with
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/13/09 05:10 PM

Yes he has an ex, met the ex, she was very nice. He allowed her to come live with him while she receives treatment for cancer. They are friends to a drgree. TOO much baggage for me....

I am living it Princess and can barely keep it straight myself!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/13/09 08:20 PM

Chatty, this all does sound like soap opera material. Don't you wanna get away?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/13/09 09:58 PM

Chatty, below please find a link to locksmiths in your vicinity:
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/14/09 04:58 PM

It surely is a soap opera Lynn (AS THE STOMACH TURNS,) no one could make this stuff up, its too unbelievable not to mention stupid.

Oh and thats always been my thing. When I become overwhelmed I pick up and scidaddle, head for the hills. But this is my home etc. and I would lose everything. I think I can keep from blowing his head off awhile yet, at least I hope so.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/15/09 06:45 PM

Glenn is a loser. He lied to you in the first place.

End of story IMHO. You have enough with your EX living at your place.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/16/09 07:28 PM

You are absolutely right Orchid. I am playing it close to home and very cool until I can get rid of the loser within. Other men don't even enter my mind, seriously.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/17/09 10:16 AM

How's that going? Did you get some info on senior housing around
the area? I know there are places in NY State who house people
in return for their monthly Social Security checks. Does Nevada
have any those facilities? Good luck in finding him another
place to stay!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/17/09 03:16 PM

I am sure they do jabber, but his living conditions are not my problem to solve. He is sitting here today doing absolutely nothing. I am getting close to the end of my rope and then he is going to heve a real peoblem. I have a big heart for the most part, BUT once it closes, it stays closed to that individual.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/18/09 09:54 AM

You sound like me. I take a lot of garbage. But once I'm done.
I'm done. Good luck.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/20/09 10:25 AM

Some men are like kids: They'll push you to the edge, 'til you
can't take any more. Then you react and they wonder why!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/20/09 06:50 PM

Who cares anyway?

As the old man said to his cronies, since food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Asked for a date... - 02/21/09 09:41 AM

Heeeehawww haw! That's a goodie! And true, too.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/02/09 08:43 PM

Guess who has been trolling around on E-Harmony? Yep, its me and they have already sent me 11 matches. There are 5 that have my curosity up. Hummmm!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/03/09 03:08 AM

Oh boy, Chatty. You KNOW you must keep us posted on this. smirk And let us know when you are going on a date, and check in when you come back. whistle

Mother Edelweiss. smile
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/03/09 10:29 AM

This is so cool. I can't wait to hear more.

I have a 20 semething friend who's doing the same. She's met with three guys so far. Isn't that wild? She tells about 80 people where she's going and keeps her hand on her cell phone all the time. How funny is that?

Oh, but while she was out last week, she saw a guy she had one date with last summer (not an online set up) with his wife and littel baby that she figures was being delivered while they were on the date. Slight exageration, but pathetic.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/03/09 05:17 PM

There are several right here in Vegas but those are last on my list. I want to relocate so am checking out the men in States I would like to move to. I am in o hurry and want to do the email then phoine thing first. If that goes well they are welcome to come on down and we'll meet in a very public place. I have the advantage here in Vegas, knowing all the quick getaway routes in case the guys a sleeze... I will keep you posted.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/04/09 07:11 AM

Chatty, have fun and be careful! There are men trolling for a meal ticket, too!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/04/09 09:11 AM

Clever idea to check out the men in other areas. That way, you know they're really interested if they'll travel.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/04/09 03:56 PM

Well this time if there ia a this time, I want to see his home and if employed, see his office etc. No more taking anyones word for anything. I don't know, my heart just isn't in it for some reason. I guess since I can't seem to get rid of my loser EX nothing feels good to me. I am in limbo yet again. Ho-hummmm!
Posted by: copygal

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/06/09 12:23 PM

Boy, have I missed a lot! This sounds like "All My Boomer Gals." Don't know how you do it, Chatty. I don't have time for men anymore, too much to do and they are way too much trouble.
As for e-Harmony, my daughter met her husband there, so I guess it works sometimes. I was happily married for 35 years, but I'm starting to enjoy being single, so I'm going to concentrate on me now. Decided I didn't have the time or the energy to train another man.
Anyway, be careful Chatty. As for the ex, if you decide to move, just don't give him your forwarding address. LOL!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/06/09 03:28 PM

chatty, I can certainly understand why it's hard to trust again. Keep your guard up and you'll be fine.

copy, it's good to see you. There are lots of boomer women focusing on "me now." Not a bad idea. If you don't, no one else will, right?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/06/09 04:57 PM

Copygal I agree the ex will never know where I go. Also I have been 'junking' the matches sent to me by E-Harmony. I don't even open them anymore. Don't know what I was thinking to even fill out the profile. I didn't pay them any fee so I doubt they'll keep bothering me. It's the money they're after. I will in their defense say they picked some mighty interesting matches for me, and if I ever do decide I want a man I will go back to them.

For now, under my circumstances, being alone and on my own is best. I hope you find all the happiness you can stand!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/16/09 05:39 PM

good to know copygal your happie being single after such a long time married, made me giggle you not having patsions to tranne another man lol. wink
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Asked for a date... - 03/16/09 08:28 PM

CopyGal, I feel the same way! Besides, it takes a lot of newspapers to train a man, and I don't get the paper!