It's been one year exactly since my mom died, and not only having to contend with that, but my 23 yo daughter is at grad school out in California. My almost 20 year old son is a freshman at college in another state, also. So...everything has hit at once - at least when my daughter was an undergrad, I had my mother to speak with everyday, and my son was a senior in high school. My daughter would come home every few weeks, and life was good. My mother passes away, and my daughter decides she HAS to go to grad school 3000 miles away - nope, schools around here not good enough. Just when I needed her the most, she leaves. Then my son goes. I'm in the throes of menopause, diagnosed with T-2 diabetes a year ago, and I'm in such a funk. At times, I welcome the quiet, and other times, I'm at such loose ends. My husband and I, alone again for the first time in 23 years, are trying to reconnect as adults, again.
I'd love for someone to tell me that "this too shall pass", and I won't resent my daughter for wanting to relocate to the West Coast permanently.