How to tell the competition to "bug off"!

Posted by: Di

How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 12:30 AM

Granted,I am not the only soaper at our Farmer's/Craft Market, but there is this older gentleman (about 15 years old) and his wife who are soapers.

HE comes by now and then asking me questions like: Do you sell on the website? Or "Hmmm, nice gift boxes!" etc. He's even asked me about formulations etc and I just played dumb. He just said, "Well, I guess we don't talk the same language". I don't WANT TO!!!

I'm "too nice" to not answer him but I just don't WANT to next time. I never go around other soaper's booths. I am confident about my products and I do not need to snoop around.

What can I say to this guy?? (Note: When someone does this, I feel they are insecure and are nervous that I am taking away business!)
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 05:33 AM

Sounds like the competition is looking for new ideas. I can understand that that can get on your nerves, but the kid is only 15 (really, he has a wife?), and probably doesn't know any better. Next time he asks about a soap furmula, give him a poisen ivy one. He should take the hint. Your homepage looks inviting.Do you ship outside of the states? What would you reccomend for dry skin?
Posted by: Di

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 08:16 AM

Oops! I mean 15 years oldER!! LOL!!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 10:41 AM

One of the first things that a good sales program will tell you is to sniff out the competition and see what they are doing. If they are successful, emulate.

Sounds like to me he believes you to be succesful and worth checking out. I would have a "canned" answer to give because I believe this will happen to you more than once. Why not try something like, "Oh gosh, you really don't expect me to give away Mamma's 100 year old secrets for making soap, do you?" And laugh...if he is stupid enough to say "yes, I do," THEN say, "Well gee, I sure hope it doesn't hurt you to WANT."

People who do this kind of thing are trying to get an edge. Don't hand it over to him. Just smile ...

Posted by: Dianne

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 05:05 PM

I think you should consider his questions as a compliment. My hub is an executive and he and his "posse" are always checking out other companies. Now, they don't ask the president any questions.

I'm with JJ--tease him out of his nosey questions. When I had my DQ I had a guy who owned a neighboring store and he was always trying to find out how much my store grossed. I mean...why? Who cares? And, that's how I answered his questions.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 07/31/06 08:42 PM

Any one with any sense will go to sniff out the competition that seems to have a superior product, packaging etc., Its good business but you have to draw the line when they get too personal. If he asks you for your formula or any other secrets, just say "well you know, time is money so get out your check book" and when he says "what for?" Just say you put a high price on your secrets. Watch him retreat and never ask stupid questions again....
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 08/01/06 01:28 AM

If he had said, "I use such-and-such ingredient. Do you like it as well?" I'd say he was trying to be friendly. But since he asked you what you used without offereing you info, then he's trying to find out your trade secrets.

I talk to other jewelers all the time. I'm not jealous, and figure that anyone who's any good has their own style (or ingredients.)
Posted by: positiveliving

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 08/02/06 06:12 AM

I would be flattered by his interest in what you do but don't give all your secrets away. He sees you as a serious contender for his business.

I tend to apply humour to situations like this or simply change the subject if I am truly not comforable with it.
Posted by: KathleenGageSpeaker

Re: How to tell the competition to "bug off"! - 08/03/06 01:13 PM

I often advise my clients to know what the competition is doing. The more successful one becomes the more others do want to know the "secrets."

Sounds like success is on your side.