Advice needed on leaving a job

Posted by: Bluebird

Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/26/06 07:23 PM

Ladies, I could use some input here. I have decided to leave my job and want to give the owner a 2 1/2 week notice. She lives 800 miles away from the store she owns, so should I give her a written notice or just call her? She is very impulsive and short tempered, so I'm wondering if I should call right away and then also put something in writing. I have not worked out of the house in 25 years, so I'm not sure the proper way to handle this.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/26/06 07:31 PM

Hi Jackie,
I think a call would be appreciated by any boss, with a follow-up in writing. (Gotta keep your records straight!)

While a call might be difficult due to her temperment, it is the right thing to do so she can prepare to hire someone else.

My 2 cents,
Posted by: Lola

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 01:33 AM

Hi, Jackie: I don't know what the circumstances of your employment are but, if you have a Contract of Employment you can to refer to contractual provisions relating to serving notice to your employer. Where you do not have this, you can perhaps rely on normal convention and/or practice in your occupational area. In any event, it would be wise to serve your notice in writing.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 08:06 AM

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, CYA...(Cover you ___) Put it in writing regardless. Date it, sign it and make a copy of it. Make sure, if this is the case, that the letter has something in it about how you have enjoyed your employment there. Remember, this is the person who others may call for a reference. I would call her and give her the news but only after I had the letter done so you could say, "I'm dropping you a copy of my resignation in the mail (or I have) so that she knows you've documented the action, regardless of her REaction.

Two and 1/2 weeks? My you're generous. Two weeks is customary but then again, maybe it's different in different parts of the country? If this woman has a bad temper AND she's stupid, she may tell you to leave immediately...and if she lives 800 miles away, that WOULD be stupid on her part. So I doubt she would do that. But if she finds someone before the 2 1/2 weeks are up, she will probably tell you to leave then. Who knows? Good luck. It's never easy leaving a place of employment, but a woman's gotta doooo...
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 09:36 AM

The reason I'm giving 2 1/2 weeks is that the other women who just started part time (so that I could be part time) is taking time off again! This woman kept coming in, wanting to work, then my boss finally hires her but she had made plans to go away for 2 weeks. So she comes back after the 2 weeks, works almost every day, to give me a break, but also she needed the money. Then she tells me yesterday, that her and her husband need to drive to MD next week and she'll be gone at least a week and a half! My boss will freak and I'll be on full time again. Anyway, the 2 1/2 weeks gives her time to get back and time for me to train someone else. I am certainly not going to leave my boss hanging or have the store closed. I would not do that.

Anyhoo, I'm doing what Kathy said and I did try to call the boss yesterday to tell her, but got her machine. I didn't say what I was calling about. Today, I will type up a formal letter. Thanks to everyone who replied...I pretty much knew what I should do but I was nervous and needed some affirmation. My husband is glad I'm quitting and my 6 year old said yesterday "mom, you should quit!!"
Posted by: Casey

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 11:13 AM

Good luck and I applaud you for doing the right thing for all concerned, not just the legal thing. I gave a month's notice for the job I'm leaving Monday. I really like the people except for the one who is causing me to leave (and he's part of the family, so no relief there!)

The advice about both calling and writing is right on target. Just follow your instincts about what the right thing is to say to her and I think you will be fine as long as you don't own any of her "displeasure."

In my prayers until the call/letter is over.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 11:31 AM

Bluebird, I'm glad you're leaving. Working full-time when you are so devoted to your family must be draining you.
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/27/06 11:45 AM

It is Dotsie, but it isn't just that. I have wanted to own a Catholic bookstore for years, but couldn't afford to do it. I do not agree with the way this woman is running things and I feel like I don't want to be a part of it anymore.
I would still love to do something like the Cafe idea I had, with live Christian music and selling CD's. There are some good artists out there, not well known yet, and I would love to help promote them.
We'll see what God has planned! I'm glad I worked at the store long enough to establish myself with people who will remember how I treated them there.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Rom. 8:28
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/29/06 01:36 PM

Well I finally got the boss on the phone yesterday...I took a deep breath and said "Melody, I hate to do this but I have to give you my notice"...Do you know what she said???
"That's fine, honey". I almost said "who are you and what have you done with my boss???". She was very calm and nice (not phony nice, either, I can tell the difference)and even said I was sweet for giving her so much notice.
So much of what we stress about never comes to pass...Thanks for the prayers, ladies. You always come through ((HUGS))
Posted by: 49erDonna

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/29/06 02:01 PM

I'm glad it went easier than you thought it would. For whatever reason she reacted the way she did, the good thing is that it is over and your future has begun.

How exciting to be planning on opening your own bookstore! That's really great and I wish you tons of success!

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/29/06 03:14 PM

Your own bookstore? How wonderful. The best of luck to you.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Advice needed on leaving a job - 07/30/06 06:44 PM

Bluebird, whatever you do you will be a success in or out of the are an awesome lady!