
Posted by: Anonymous

Lost - 03/18/06 01:42 AM

Hey, what does it mean when your bosses forget your birthday? Guess I suck, huh?

I work at a large law firm and am assigned to 3 attorneys and my b-day was yesterday, everyone salutated except the 3 I work for. There were gifts from another secretary wrapped on my desk, etc. But no, my three could say nothing, not at all, even though last year I bought each of them a birthday cake. All the other secretaries on my floor had birthday cakes and last year I did, but not this year. They simply snubbed me, turned their back. I am hurt and embarrassed. Yet, the two female attorneys I work for are very horrific and have treated my predecessors poorly to include mental and verbal abuse. Very Snooty gals. The man has always been kind at Christmas and birthday gifts, I would like to hope that his excuse is b/c he is so busy lately and working 10 - 12 hour days. I got a raise and 2 bonuses at Christmas of $4K, so don't know how my performance has altered in which they don't feel I need recognition. But gosh, not even a verbal acknowledgement. And to top it off, I fell on the stairs in the parking garage and bruised my foot, thus am limping, not a finger lifted and they expect me to still p/u their lunches -- the gals that is.

I simply shall not acknowledge their birthdays. Hope it does not mean I'm out the door! [Embarrassed]
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 01:49 AM

I don't know the answer, but I am so sorry I didn't wish you a Happy Birthday, Mustang! I had no idea...
Hope it was a good one after work, at least.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 01:58 AM

Well poopee on them Mustang! Happy Birthday gal! I too hope you had at least a wonderful evening. Bosses can sometimes be a pain. Royal ones!

When I first joined the work force in corporate America, I worked as admin and had a boss who had me buy all the secretaries corsages for "Secretary's Week" and then said to me as he threw money on my desk, "oh and buy something for yourself while you're at it." He was a VP...when I said "Oh that's nice but not necessary" he said, "Do as I told you." I was mortified and humilated. I was very very young and was raising two children on my own, so I bought the stupid corsage.

I vowed that day to leave as soon as I could. I did. And I went back to school, finished my degree and promised myself NOBODY would ever talk to me that way again. Good Lord...I sound like Scarlet O'Hara. HAHAHAHAH....

Posted by: TVC15

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 02:12 AM

Happy Belated Birthday Mustang!
Sorry your bosses are jerks. I agree with you, return the favor on their birthdays.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 02:53 AM

I wish I had known yesterday, Mustang
Anyway...we will celebrate it big time here, today.


Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Mustang
Happy Birthday to you

Who luvs ya baby?
Your Boomer Sisters That's Who.


And us too.
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 03:03 AM

I knew Chick would make you a cake!!! Horses, too...you really rate!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 03:24 AM

No kidding! We only got a cake from her!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 03:28 AM

I'm going to be expecting a cake AND a bluebird...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 04:53 AM

Oh Mustang the simple things people do to hurt us and why? No special reason maybe because they can. I think they probably forgot and felt stupid to acknowledge with a mere greeting so did and said nothing. The girls that did remember you did it earnestly with love as we are doing now so be happy for that an screw the other stuff...Personally I would rather have the cash (a raise) from the bosses and it sounds like you did okay in that department, think of it as the gift that keeps on giving...he, he!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY LADY [Big Grin] [Wink] [Razz] [Cool] [Smile]

[ March 17, 2006, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 05:47 AM

Now there's a cake if ever I saw one. Boy what a cake. To heck with those snooty types. I bet you didn't get them a cake that good.

Then there's the horses. Wow!

And I'm with Chatty on the cash bonuses. Let them keep the happy birthday greetings, us boomers send cakes and horses. Tell them to send CASH.


Hey here's an idea... Chick, I was wondering if you can put hundred dollar bills on my birthday cake next year. You know the kind I can print out and take shopping. I bet you could do it. You have a whole year to work on it. I'm planning a shopping trip now.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 07:35 AM

Well, Mustang, I just got home after being away for a month, and can barely keep my eyes open and hadn't planned to post until tomorrow, but I just want to add my warm wishes for a very happy birthday. Maybe the wishes are a day late, but I hope they warm your heart to overflowing so that your birthday celebration lasts well into next week too!

Cake and horses? What happened to the Chip 'n Dip? (and being St Paddy's Day, they should be dipped in green, shouldn't they?)
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 07:58 AM

HAPPY DAYS our Eagle Heart is back safe and sound, WHAHOO!!!! Can't wait to hear about her trip. We love you lady and are so happy you're back....HUGS
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 08:15 AM

YIPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Welcome back Eagle!! Can't wait to hear about your trip.
Guess what I'm making for dessert tomorrow?
Decadent chocolate fingers! I was telling my daughter that I got the recipe from you, not more than 15 minutes ago.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 08:46 AM

Oh boy eagle's back. Boy did we ever miss you. But you're back now. YES!!!

Hope your trip was fabulous! Can't wait to hear it all!!

Rest up those fingers so you can give us a full report.

Welcome home.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 06:49 PM

Ladies, the EAGLE has landed..................

Welcome home hun, JJ
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Lost - 03/18/06 07:39 PM

Thanks everyone...but I don't want to hijack Mustang's birthday thread so will move my landed self over to the travel forum...
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Lost - 03/19/06 07:28 PM

Speaking of Mustang...anyone hear from her?
Eagle,I will meet you there.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Lost - 03/20/06 07:46 PM

Thank you gals! I love the cake! So sweet, as are you gals!