mondays the big day

Posted by: roxxie

mondays the big day - 06/26/03 10:14 PM

Well its offical I start school on monday.I got my books yesterday I forgot what it was like to carry all those books.They seemed heavier than in high school.Or maybe its because im not as young.Anyways I couldnt of picked a better time to go to school,my cars broke,Im in desparate need of a job,thats enough stress.Now school but Im not going to let that bring me down.I guess thats a sign from God that maybe my life needs this big change and hopefully everything will work out.I just pray that it does cause i really need good things to happen. ive had my share of rough times,well more than my share.Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest im very stressed right now .well if anyone knows anyone in florida fortmyers capecoral area looking to hire please let me know.thank you ladies for all your love and support.
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: mondays the big day - 06/27/03 01:17 AM

Good luck roxxie!! I am sue it is stressful to think of going back to school when things are so uncerain, but it will be godd to give yourself something to focus on that will help you out in the end.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: mondays the big day - 07/08/03 12:50 PM

Roxxie, how is it going?
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: mondays the big day - 07/09/03 02:43 PM

I'm sure Roxxie is finding out that school at our age is an all-consuming experience. I don't get into this site as often as I did before starting classes, and I'm only in one right now. Between working 36+ hours per week and studying algebra, as well as helping Becky with her kids, keeping our house halfway decent and hubby happy, I'm meeting myself coming and going.. [Embarrassed] )
So when I don't post for a few days, don't assume something is wrong. Same for Roxxie. I'm sure she is very busy, especially if she has children at home or is working.
Roxxie, just keep on plugging away at it. It will be worth the struggle in the long run.
Never let your mind sit idle, because an idle mind is the Devil's workshop, and the Devil's name is Alzheimer.
Posted by: roxxie

Re: mondays the big day - 07/10/03 07:35 PM

Hello ladies.Sorry ive been really busy with school next week will be my 3rd week.I love it!!Its a lot of hard work though.Country girl actually i have no children and im 24 years old.You would be suprised some of the women that attend classes with me.Single mothers of 5 children with full time jobs and,going to school full time (3 or4 classes a week)I look at them and say if they can do it I know I can.Im actually on the computer because i was doing my computer class homework.aaaaaaahh I have a ton of homework to do and two tests next week so i gotta go ladies.By the way I love the whine idea im probally gonna have alot of that to do soon.haha [Wink] [Wink]  -
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: mondays the big day - 07/11/03 11:59 AM

roxxie -- check with Edison about jobs on campus

when i went there i tutored accounting for students having trouble -- so if you're good at something -- they will hire you to work on campus on a schedule that works around your life -- they only pay $6.00 an hour -- but hey -- you're on campus anyway -- its a way to make some extra money and study at the same time [Smile]

they also have jobs available posted on the bulletin boards -- try the cafeteria -- i think thats one place they post -- and another is in front of the personnel office -- in the same building that the libraries in -- down near the elevators on the first floor
Posted by: roxxie

Re: mondays the big day - 07/11/03 07:02 PM

Im actually attending south west florida college.But I believe they are the same with jobs
I have a lady there that is a carreer counselor that will help bme find an entry level position in my field im majoring in.Thanks though how are you doin these days?
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: mondays the big day - 07/11/03 09:04 PM

i'm glad you found someone to help you get a job -- i'm itching to get back to school but i just can't afford to quit work and since i work nights and weekends after working 9-3 during the day ---------

but one of these days [Smile]

i wish you all the best with classes and your career [Smile]
Posted by: roxxie

Re: mondays the big day - 07/13/03 05:13 PM

Thanks,there are plenty of women there,that have full time jobs with kids and go to school full time.They offer all kind of hours to work around peoples busy schedules.So I say go 4 it when you decide anyone can go back.And it makes you feel good inside.
Posted by: maylene

Re: mondays the big day - 07/21/03 05:22 PM

So happy to read about all the women that are becoming students! I am also attending community college in hopes that I will find a career path that is right for me. My children are 14, 12 and 6...they still need me so much, I can't do more than one class right now, but I am loving it! Taking Biology in the fall, I am always excited to start class! It's nice to complete something and earn a grade...does a great deal for one's self-esteem! Everyone, keep up the good work!
