
Posted by: Di

Creation - 04/30/09 02:41 PM

As I was looking at all five of our dogs the other day, and talking to DH about their very unique personalities, I got to thinking about how detailed a God I serve. He created them before man. Then when He did create man, all of US still have individual personalities. Not to mention that every one of our fingerprints, both fingers and toes, are yet more unique.

A song we've sung in church came to mind and I started singing it aloud...

"I stand, I stand in awe of You...I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy God to whom all praise is due...I stand in awe of You!"

What an awesome and detailed God I serve!!
Posted by: Rachel2

Re: Creation - 06/04/09 01:49 PM

Amen Di

One of my favorite songs one day at a time by Christy Lane.