What do you want for Christmas?

Posted by: Dotsie

What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 06:24 PM

Thought I'd put this in the Our Voices section so we can share what we want for Christmas.

I thought it would be fun to come up with a list of best gifts for boomer women. I'm sure this could get funny, so you are welcome to be serious, or make us laugh. So girls, what on your list for Santa?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 07:26 PM

Another trip. I'd like to see more of Africa.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 07:30 PM

I'd like a fancy new cell phone. The Jitterbug looks cool or maybe a Black Berry. A flat screen TV in the living room would be nice.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 08:17 PM

A a gift - Some new makeup and time to buy it.
As a dream - my children to visit.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 08:42 PM

A new digital camera. Mine is held together with rubber bands. And I'm not kidding.

A treadmill. I would sell my front row seat in Hades to own one.

A membership to a Fruit of the Month Club or a FLOWER of the month club....haven't you ever wanted one of these? I have...I know, weird, but I like things like this.

A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!! Mine is over 6 years old...oh boy.

Sam Elliott...or at least a note from him saying how much he wants me.

Hey, excuseeeeeee me, but I didn't see any rules. Bawhahahahah...ahem.

Posted by: chickadee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/09/08 09:18 PM

Dear Georgia,

I need a woman real bad. Are you real bad?

Love Sam
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/10/08 09:10 AM

Oh yes Sam...sheeee's baaaad. teehee

I always wanted a baby elephant; - just grazing outside my living room window. He has to be as cute as Dumbo, and never grow big.

If I don't get that,... then a nice vacation travelling through Italy, Austria and Greece will do it for me.

And if I don't get that, a pretty photo album of those countries and their highlights would be nice.

And if I don't get that, maybe a gourmet Italian dinner, with Greek wine, and Austrian apple Strudel for desert will suffice.

And if I don't get that, then he should make love like an Italian gigolo, be generous like Onasis, and charming like a gent from Vienna.

And if I don't get that…then he better wear shin guards on his legs.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/10/08 01:14 PM

You gals are a hoot.

EW, your elephant story reminds me of my daughter who always has said she wants her own tiger. I think she'd love to work at the zoo. She inherited the love of animals from her Nana. She and Nana swam with the dolphins and I have a picture of Jess kissing a dolphin on hte nose. It's adorable.

JJ, I'm with you on the treadmil, but I'd really like a cross-trainer. The problem is that I probably wouldn't use it becasue I don't use the other exercise equipment we already have. In the end, it would be a waste of money, and I'm not in to wasting money.

chick, do you live near a Mac? They give make-up make-overs for free. Of soucrse they expect you to buy the stuff, but you don't have to. You may enjoy that. They can make you up so when you strut your aces and lace at the casino you'll be picture perfect ready when you win the big prize and are photographed for the newspaper and magazines.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/10/08 02:33 PM

Sam Elliott is something else. That I agree with! I don't picture you in the front row of Hades, Heaven but not Hades.

If I don't get anything I mentioned in that first post, I'd like
a ranch. And I'd like a frontyard pasture so I could look out my living room window and watch a couple hundred animals grazing.

You gals are cooooool...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/10/08 07:20 PM

JJ, I agree with Jabber. I think God has a very special place for people who make others laugh...laughter has to be one of the most wonderful gifts anyone can give to another person.

That made me think, that laughter - and especially the ability to bring laughter to others - would definitely be a gift I'd like to get for Christmas. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/10/08 07:30 PM

whos sam elliott a local men eh!

chickadee loved that want a women real bad and are you real bad lol i gotta alter and trty that for myself smile


lucien not to go into shock on christmass day!
My frends(2 of them) are clubing funds and getting me a toatoo to mark my last birthday just past but i don't want that on christtmass day, just the gift token.lol If they do that thats my dreams compleat!

Canada, melborn australia, hawie, balaa and paris all before lunch maybee santa help me with that.

that everyone for one moment or even a few seconds gets filled with that fuzzie warm spiritual upliftment for a few seconds on the day itself.

that i get that warm fuzzie feeling for half the day and it not dowen to alcohole or painkillers lol.

stuck for time being lol let me think on it lol.

iv been asked what i want a few times but untill now i never thought about what i actulie do want lol apart from the funds to pay for christmass before the end of januarie lol.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 12:23 AM

This may sound odd and I thought a long time about it so to be truthful I would like to spend a week with either or both of my two favorite women on this earth. JJ and/or Edelweiss. I have just always thought how neat they both are for totally different reasons and would love to share space with them. Please understand that I adore so many of you so truely, but for some reason these two great ladies have touched my heart countless times.

Oh and JJ, I saw Sam first so back off to your dear old Elvis.
Posted by: Di

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 01:06 AM

A good cheese cutter; nice new long johns from Eddy Bauer; and to meet Tom Hanks!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 01:41 AM

A better economy, peace of mind, and Keanu Reeves!
Posted by: justjoan

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 02:02 AM

good, that leaves Orlando Bloom free
Posted by: diamond50

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 09:11 AM

I want a boatload of spa gift certificates. LOL!!
Enough to last me until my next trip to Thailand, hehehe.....
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 01:42 PM

Chatty, Eagle, and the rest of your broads that have touched my own heart with your comments and kindness...I just got my Christmas present---I humbly thank you.

Chick, you know Sam? You let him use your computer to write me a note? How cool is that? Um...could you tell him that I'm bad....REALLLLLY bad. Some would even say, "BAD OFF," but hey, what do they know, am I right?

Chatty, give up Sam? Bawhahahaha...ahem...cough...spurt...ahem...for a dead guy? Bawhahahaha...ahem...gag...cough...I gotta quit these outburst.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 01:52 PM

There are too many women here that like Sam Elliott. The competition is rough in this place.

I agree with Eagle. The ability to make people laugh is a wonderful gift.

So many of you ladies have such wonderful spirits! And they brighten the darkest of days!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 02:03 PM

Um, forgive me for asking, but who is Sam Elliott?
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 04:45 PM

Chatty, I can't tell you how much you touched my heart. You and so many of my Boomer sisters mean the world to me. I guess it kind of explains why I'm here so often. I love you my friend, and I'd give a heck of alot to be able to spend Christmas with you.

Hey! Look who just stepped in!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 06:56 PM

Ummm, he looks just like my hubby...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/11/08 09:13 PM

How in the he// do you ladies do those clever things, looks like Sam is talking to Eagle. OMG! I feel so inept around you all, and I am computer challenged too, DRAT!!!

Okay JJ, I surrended my claim on Sam. He's all yours! Hummm, let me see, who would I want to play 'tummy bump with?' Aha! I have it...
Antonio Banderas, and he is all mine so back of you lustful ladies!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/12/08 04:27 PM

Eagle, you're married to a hunk! I wouldn't introduce him to Georgia if I were you.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/12/08 05:09 PM

Eagle you lucky lady!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/12/08 06:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Dotsie
Eagle, you're married to a hunk! I wouldn't introduce him to Georgia if I were you.

Especially when he cooks, cleans, does laundry, irons tea towels, shovels snow and loves to go grocery shopping. Oh and he makes the perfect cup of tea too, he makes my tea better than I can!!

He's a keeper...and he's mine...and yes he has a brother, but unless you "parlez-vous beaucoup de French", there's no point...plus he doesn't cook, clean, shovel or iron. But he does make tea.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/12/08 06:31 PM

I tried to delete the second post, but it won't let me.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/13/08 12:20 AM

Lucky you Eagle in so many wonderful ways and now a hunk too, sigh!

I had one of those too and apparently he was to be my last, sigh!
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/13/08 02:02 PM

Well ladies, my guy doesn't look like Sam Elliott. But then again, not too many do. He vacuums, some. Cooks very little.
But he's gentle and kind. He can repair nearly any appliance or
mechanical failure. He's smart, good with money, and reminds
me of my dad. He's a keeper, too! If we all liked the same guy,
wouldn't we be in a fine fix???
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/13/08 02:03 PM

I've been there. Done that.

Oops, had to go back in and change this after I read
Dotsie's post on material stuff. I'd like a wii; a new wrist watch; lots of warm, weatherproof boots; a winning lottery ticket. That's it!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/13/08 11:03 PM

No posts seem to be able to be deleted by us so instead go back in, click edit and write something different. Same effect just different way of getting it...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/14/08 01:05 PM

jabber, your comment about him being like your dad rings a bell here. Ross has a very similar temperment as my dad. They are who keep me grounded.

Back to what we want for Christmas. For this topic, let's say it has to be a material thing.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/14/08 01:54 PM

Well, I've heard that the Wii's are a lot of fun. I'd like the whole kit-and-kaboodle...the Wii console, the Wii Fit thing, and lots of Wii games, like bowling, darts, mini golf, dancing, music, etc, etc, etc.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/15/08 03:59 AM

"chick, do you live near a Mac?"
Dotsie dear, what does that mean? We have a Mac, right here in our home office, and it does not do make-overs. Even my Dell does not do make-overs.
A horse. I want a horse, a trainer, a trailer, free food and board, and a handsome stable hunk to do the hard work. I'm a bit weak in the upper body strength department to do manual labor in the barn.
A life-coach, pre-paid unlimited sessions. And/or a therapist.
A funny-bone. And humor books to go with.
Posted by: NYWoman

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/15/08 05:38 AM

Dear Santa ~

I've been really, really good this year. So could you please send me:

1. A winning lottery ticket worth millions so I can buy that log home in Montana.

2. A visit from Jon Bon Jovi. I know I'm ten years older than him, but he's oh so dreamy.

Thank you Santa, you're the best! grin


Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/15/08 02:45 PM

princess, Mac is a cosmetic store. Sorry about that.

Eagle, my nephew brought his Wii last Easter. It was definitely a hit with everyone. We got some great photos while they were playing that still make us laugh. The competitiveness came out in everyone. It was hysterical.

Love the lottery ticket idea. Then we could do as we please and give everyone what they want for Christmas, but you've gotta play to win!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/15/08 07:55 PM

I'm going to check out tour local Mac store around Christmas time. Dancer is also going to help me chose as I go along.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/16/08 01:30 AM

Has to be a material thing huh! Well then in that case I would love to have a, darn I can't think of a single thing! Drat!

AH, wait, yes I can, I would love to have an apple head, tiny tea cup, fawn colored, Chihuahua puppy.

Or some low sugar salt water taffy! Silly the things we think of when asked this kind of question. I really had to think hard just to come up with something I really wanted.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/16/08 03:40 AM

Chatty, chatty, oh my chatty, what is an apple head chi... wow...a
My husband and I are renting our finished lower level to a single mom with a two year old. And, a chi wow a. Now, those little dogs used to be my least favorite breed. All trembling and scared because they are so small everyone else is bigger. These wee things have to look out for themselves. One false move in the kitchen, and they can get trampled. I did not think I would warm up to the shaking shivering creature. Yeah, right. Now the little thing is my lap dog. Plus I get to dress her up with pink sweaters with pom poms or quilt jackets with leopard design fur collars. This dog does not walk normal, it dances and prances. And she is fawn colored.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/16/08 03:43 AM

Well, that settles it... we don't have a Mac cosmetics store here. I thought you were referring to the Mac computers, or that Mac was Macy's for short.
Jon Bon Jovi is really cute, and stays that way, kind of like Paul McCartney.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/16/08 01:20 PM

oh eagle we got a wii or rather lucien got a wee twoo remotes and mario kart and sonic unleshed and its now one of our favourite things to do together its real fun time. If you can try getting one.

Iv never done the wii fit but i have played familie tranning mat you jump over falling logs, are in a miners cart going over broken railes and pushing to make it faster its good with the kids and hysterical with adults. (especiallie drunken adults who can't co-ordinate) at a frends house lol ther orniments were at risk so i highlie recomend a wii for just plain fun!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/16/08 07:58 PM

Not sure Princess where the term Apple Head came from except that they have a very round little apple shaped head.
These little guys will steal your heart and the love they give is the size of an elephant even though they are so very small. My very first puppy was a tiny, fawn colored Chihuahua, I bought with my own greedily saved money. Boy could I pinch a penny when I was a kid.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/17/08 01:51 PM

This post no longer can be deleted. Now don't that
just flip your bippie! Santa baby's comin' down your
chimney, so watch it!

Hey, If you guys are "top posters," does that mean the
rest of us are "bottom posters?"
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/17/08 02:15 PM

What IS a bippie anyway? Is that from Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in? That was one of my all-time favourite shows.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/17/08 10:51 PM

Never seen a 'bippie' out and about. Wonder if its vegetable or mineral? I bet it is the 'bippie' of Rowan & Martin. They were cool ones in their day. But if you 'bet your bippie' and you lose, what do you surrender to the winner????
Posted by: Lola

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/18/08 06:32 PM

Tickets to Kiev Ballet's Snow White and the English National Ballet's Nutcracker. It was a scramble for good seats but, I've got it! Today!!!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/18/08 08:34 PM

Lola, did you bring your granddaughter with you? Sounds lovely.
Posted by: Lola

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/18/08 08:50 PM

We have'nt been yet, EW. The Kiev is on Saturday 20th and the ENB is on the 26th. It is my granddaughter's Christmas wish. No toys. Just tickets to the ballet. And, nail polish. LOL!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/18/08 11:41 PM

Quote Chatty: But if you 'bet your bippie' and you lose, what do you surrender to the winner????
A bippett...
Lola,I've never been to a ballet. Please report to us when you get back.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/19/08 01:58 PM

Lola, during our Green Christmas teleseminar with the NABBW, one of Diane's Christmas gift ideas was giving experiences, just as you are doing. How old is your granddaughter?
Posted by: Lola

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/19/08 07:33 PM

My granddaughter is four and a half, Dotsie. She does ballet as well as attend musical theatre school so, "Roberts" is looking forward to the 26th and 28th. The 20th is the rugby match I'm treating the boys to. It will be the little one's first big match and as he loves to scrum and holler, I think I'll have more fun watching him.

"Roberts" is what she insists we call her since her walk-on part as a cub with The Lion King as a birthday treat on her fourth birthday.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/19/08 08:17 PM

Chatty, our pennies went farther (further) then. Now things cost what, double, triple, with half the income. The chi wow ha got a beating this morning from my alpha Westie. I stopped the killing by putting a blanket over Gracie's head (the Westie.) Are you girls really talking "tongue scrapers" in stocking stuffers? Hey, think big, live a little. I want teeth whitening for Christmas. I just want to keep my teeth throughout my life. Saundra, are you listening?
Posted by: Dee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/21/08 03:06 AM

For all you who wished the "HUNK" a Merry Christmas, he wanted to wish it right back atja....and a special howdy doo to you, JJ. smile

Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 08:33 AM

Posted by: ladyjane

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 12:19 PM

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Edelweiss....TOO funny! Dee, I hope you and Larry see this one!!!
Posted by: Mama Red

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 01:28 PM

Hey Princess Lenora

I don't know if there is a Macy's, Nordstrom's, or Dillard's near you...many, if not all, of those stores have a MAC Cosmetics counter in their stores. I LOVE MAC cosmetics...have for years!
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 02:24 PM

Bi means both sides! Hence, bippie, means both sides of your
bottom or butt or backside or your cushion or rear end!
That's what burns my bippie! Don't ya see!
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 02:25 PM

That hunk of yours 'tis a cutie! Give him a kiss, kiss from
the girls!!!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 02:57 PM

EW...got your PM and yes, the hunk saw it...he's blushing. HI Lady Jane...I love the snowman...you are so clever and come up with the cutest ideas. Merry Christmas everyone!!! We love ya.
Jabber...the hunk says, KISSS KISS back atja!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/22/08 05:57 PM

EW, that's great. Just love it. Thanks for the laugh.
Posted by: Poppie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/24/08 10:49 AM

Seeing as I am not doing xmas this year by my own choosing(Well I will do dinner tomorrow at an old freinds Momma's house and that is about the height of it)All my cards on the exchange list will be in New Year as I was well busy over the last three to four weeks...and we run back into Uni for an Exibition during the first two days!!! For all the lovely cards which have festooned my little student room, thank you ladies.
I couldn't sleep last night for sadness...this time of year does that to me anyhow and has done for a long old time back ...


I do not confes to anything-so when I speak
of the small spidery creature
skittling across the periphery of my vision -
it proves nothing.
Meaning is just an accident,
soon mopped up: those letters
were written by someone else
and that suitcase under the bed
does not contain my heart.

I do not regret very much,
so when th dog digs up the bones
I have buried beneath the brambles, in some wild woods-
I am not worried.
I have allowed no prophets to enter my house
for a long time past-
so bones cannot grow flesh, stand up and walk.
They cast no shadows
and I have nothing to look in the face.

I d not promise anything-so when I lay down
lose as a child, intimate as a lover, tender as a mother
it means nothing.
Love is just a trick of the lighht,
a misunderstanding.
No matter who you think I am,
when it matters most,
I will not be who you want.


Posted by: Poppie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/24/08 10:53 AM

Seeing as I am not doing xmas this year by my own choosing(Well I will do dinner tomorrow at an old freinds Momma's house and that is about the height of it)All my cards on the exchange list will be in New Year as I was well busy over the last three to four weeks...and we run back into Uni for an Exibition during the first two days!!! For all the lovely cards which have festooned my little student room, thank you ladies.

I couldn't sleep last night for sadness...this time of year does that to me anyhow and has done for a long old time back....


I do not confess to anything-so when I speak
of the small spidery creature
skittling across the periphery of my vision -
it proves nothing.
Meaning is just an accident,
soon mopped up: those letters
were written by someone else
and that suitcase under the bed
does not contain my heart.

I do not regret very much,
so when th dog digs up the bones
I have buried beneath the brambles, in some wild woods-
I am not worried.
I have allowed no prophets to enter my house
for a long time past-
so bones cannot grow flesh, stand up and walk.
They cast no shadows
and I have nothing to look in the face.

I do not promise anything-so when I lay down
close as a child, intimate as a lover, tender as a mother
it means nothing.
Love is just a trick of the lighht,
a misunderstanding.
No matter who you think I am,
when it matters most
I will not be who you want.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/24/08 08:51 PM

Poppie, you are a treasure and I am so happy to call you friend, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR...
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/25/08 12:24 AM

good to see you written again pauline as it makes you so happie.

well christmass has just broken half an hour ago,, i finalie stoped wrapping gifts and inlisted the help of a dear frend who popped in to share this night with me but secritlie i knows she loved helping me wrapp gifts and especiallie for lucien.

so i din't know weer to post so i will do it in a few places.

merry christmass on this day and i hope its filled with laughter and peace.....and christmass cake:)
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/25/08 03:09 AM

The Christmas Wish (John Denver)

I don't know if you believe in Christmas
or if you have presents underneath a Christmas tree
but if you believe in love
that will be more than enough
for you to come and celebrate with me
for I have held the precious gift that love brings
even though I never saw a Christmas star
I know there is a light I have felt it burn inside
and I have seen it shining from afar

Christmas is the time to come together
a time to put all differences aside
and I reach out my hand to the family of man
to share the joy I feel at Christmas time

for the truth that binds us all together
I would like to say a simple prayer
that at this special time you will have true peace of mind
and joy to last throughout the coming year

and if you believe in love
that will be more than enough
for peace to last throughout the coming year
and peace will last throughout the year.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/25/08 02:50 PM

thanks you eagle thats butifull and very christmassie, just whats needed this time of year smile

i whish more would carry that sentiment at this time of year even if they can't the rest of the time. Maybee thats whats so disaponting for some this time of year that their little or no love or goodwill.

anyway thanks again as iv never heared that or read it before.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/25/08 03:32 PM

Celtic, that song is off of my all-time favourite Christmas CD, John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together. I saw the TV special eons ago (mid 1970's?) and have had the album on vinyl, cassette and now CD. I even have a spare CD hidden away in case the other one gets damaged! It's full of beautiful songs like this one.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/26/08 08:35 AM

whoa Poppie, that poem gave me chills.

JustJoan, we need to talk about Orlando Bloom...

Material stuff? How about an unlimited plane ticket and enough money in my account so I could travel the world for a few months? See all my great friends, tons of museums and walk through ruins and countryside in foreign places.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/26/08 08:00 PM

What a neat idea Meredith, I just love the way your mind works.

Christmas turned out well, good food, good friends and everyone in the immediate family is healthy. Can't ask for much more than that.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/27/08 12:34 AM

yea i loved the lyrics eagle and good for this time of year sort a sets the right tone or atmoshire
Posted by: Dee

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/27/08 02:28 AM

Poppie.....you sound so sad, darlin'. I hope you're okay...Hugs from the heart.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/27/08 11:30 PM

Today I had an amazing shopping experience - talk about being at the right place at the right time. Can I turn it into a long story? Because it all conspired to get me there.

My step-daughter took my granddaughter out snow-tubing yesterday. Came home late last night and realized she still had the car seat. So we had to go all the way back over there this morning (they live at the other end of the city and in the opposite direction than we had planned to go this morning). I was frustrated because we had a long list of errands we had to run. But we drove, along sheer black icy side roads to get there, dropped off the seat, then SD asked if we could do a quick run to WalMart for something she had seen in the flyer. I detest WalMart on a Saturday, especially this particular store on a Boxing Week Saturday because it's so small and very crowded at the best of times. But what could I do.

So we went. While waiting for her to find her stuff, I browsed through a big bin of DVD's, and had just stepped over to a cart full of "overstock" DVD's when a store employee reached around me to pass a "Wii Fit" to the other employee who was working at the cart right beside me. I looked at it in amazement, knowing that Wii Fits have been impossible to find in Canada for weeks. I asked the guy if it was for sale, and he handed it to me and said "yes, but hold on tight because it's the only one we've got left". He said a small shipment had arrived early that morning and they had all sold within minutes - this was the last one. I was delighted. We don't have the console yet, we're planning on buying it in April (unless we see it on sale before then) but we couldn't pass on the Fit, since it's notoriously difficult to find in Canada.

Maybe Someone up there knows how much I need to start exercising?

I had to come back to add something...as many of you know, I've been working on this Law of Attraction/Resonance thing for a very long time. After reading some of Mama Red's posts on the subject recently, I decided to try it again. I read the suggestion in one of the books to start out with something simple, just for fun. So for about two weeks now, every day, several times a day, I've been asking "the Universe" for a Wii for Christmas. I did what the book said to do, to vibrate happy positive vibes out into the universe about this Wii, imagining how much fun I was going to have with it, especially the Wii Fit. I imagined everything I could think of, again, every day, throughout the day. Christmas came and went, no Wii. But I just realized that I DID get it, not the Wii, but the Wii Fit which I actually wanted MORE than the Wii itself. Mama Red, are you reading this? This is the FIRST TIME that it's worked for me. Whoo Hooo! Now I'll have to start vibrating for the Wii console...
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/28/08 03:35 PM

Oh, EW, What a neat snowman! Never saw a hot snowman before!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/28/08 09:55 PM

You know EW, I saw the snowman but never saw Larrys face on it until I read Jabbers comment and went back to have another look. Very cute, both your idea and Larry!

I visited the 92 year old women whose book I wrote and she was in her usual good spirits. I asked her how come she was always in such a happy frame of mind? She said something that really made me think I wanted to share with you all...

She said:
"For the one thing you might be thinking of that makes you sad, think of two others that give you great joy."

She insists that when you do that in all things in your life, before long all you'll see are the happy things. And those stress free things will give you a long and happy life. Ladies pay attention Ruth is 92 years young and going strong.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 12:43 AM

i am delighted fo you eagle that you got your wii fit BUT that the law of attraction thing started bringing stuff into your life so proving its worth...and thats a whole masive area of descusion in and off itself smile
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 12:51 AM

Wal mart is in Canada?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 01:02 AM

Thanks Celtic; it was neat to see it work. I'm trying it again with something else simple. We'll see how it goes.

PL, WalMart has been in Canada for several years now. They're not online (well, they have a website, but not an online store) like the US WalMart. We're not huge WalMart fans, but do like how they carry things that we can't get anywhere else, like some US brands.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 01:05 AM

Hi EH, of course there is WM in Canada. WM is ubiquitous! Like you, I would want nothing to do with a WM on a Saturday. So I would have been reluctant to step in the store. Can you believe the good luck you had? Syncronicity, coincidence, the LofA. So glad you got what you wanted, or at least half of it!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 01:20 AM

Eagle, what a gift. How sweet that the guy handed it to you and told you to hold it tight. He could have kept it for himself or a friend. It was meant to be!

Your mention of black ice reminds me that we are all living with different weather conditions. We've had no black ice yet this winter. That freaks me out more than snow. I once had a friend bombing down the highway at about 60 miles an hour when she hit black ice, swirled out of control, and fortunately landed back in the middle of the highway with no cars around. Her account of that happening will always make me more aware of icy conditions. Be careful while you're out there getting around this time of year.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 01:23 AM

Well, PL, they say that part of the LofA is behaving as if you already have the object. So in the spirit of that premise, I bought a Wii game today (according to my step-daughter who is an expert in Wii, it was a good price). So I expect the rest of the Wii to cross my path any day now...

We played on my granddaughter's Wii all afternoon today. Well, she and my step-daughter played, I played with my grandson and loved every moment with him. Anyway, this was my first opportunity to actually see a Wii in action, and have to admit that I'm even more sure it will be a fun thing to have.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 01:28 AM

Thanks, Dotsie. Today was crazy. We pretty much had to skate to my step-daughter's car this morning. The main roads weren't too bad, but the side roads are still like skating rinks. Sheer ice. Her car has winter tires, so they have excellent grip, but the other problem we had today was the wind. At one point I thought the wind was going to swoop under her car and pick us right up. We were really glad to get to where we were going! The wind and warmer temps eventually melted most of the ice off of the roads. Which meant lots of deep puddles and slush coming home - it was a great day to be wearing my Bogs Boots!
Posted by: jabber

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 02:44 PM

I love what your 92-year-old friend said: For every sad thought,
think two happy thoughts. I'm gonna try that, bye gosh. Groovy
got a Wii recently. She seems to like it. I wonder if they have
Wal Mart in Europe and other countries across the pond?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 02:58 PM

EH, what Wii games did you play? My nephew brought it here on Easter and Thanksgiving. They bowled, played tennis, and also enjoyed the carnival games. We have some of the best photos from that day.

Mu daughter got a rock band set up for the X Box and we had a blast playing that on Christmas. I never attempted the drums or guitar, just sang, which is ridiculous because I have the worse voice. Anyway, it's great fun to play with a crowd. Ross and I are going to attmept the guitar and drum when we're home alone. What a hoot.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/29/08 03:10 PM

Dotsie, they have the game "Mario & Sonic at the Olympics". It has all sorts of different events like swimming, rowing, skeet shooting, trampoline. She also received the Dance Party dance mat, which is a lot of fun (sort of like a dancing karaoke game). They also have bowling, tennis and other sports, but we didn't play any of those. The Olympic game is the favourite right now. It's hard to find too, but SD's going to pick one up for me in Montreal. The carnival games sound fun too. I saw a game yesterday, all winter sports, like skating, luging, bobsledding, ski jumping...that looks like fun exercise.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/30/08 04:59 PM

The extent of the games amaze me. Did you play the dance game? I'd love to try that. I bet it's good exercise. Playing these types of games brings out the kid in us which is why I like them. Apparently, my BIL has funny pictures of my sister and me playing Christmas. She was the drummer and I was singing. Gee, I can hardly wiat to see them.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: What do you want for Christmas? - 12/30/08 06:08 PM

We did play the dance game - it's so much fun that I'm probably going to have to get one...it's a really fun way to get in some good cardio exercise.

I'm amazed at the graphics...they're so real and interactive that sometimes you wonder if the characters are alive!

We've decided not to wait for the console, so are shopping for one now instead of April - but they're impossible to find! I could just kick myself, I was in Toys 'R Us on Sunday, it was supposed to be a quick stop for my step-daughter to pick up something. As we were standing at the cash register, the Wii consoles arrived. The cashier even asked me if I wanted to buy one. I wasn't thinking at all...we had already decided to wait until April and it just didn't click to pick one up at that moment. But when I got home, hubby was actually disappointed! So we went back, but they had already sold out.