Writers - Step Forward

Posted by: jawjaw

Writers - Step Forward - 10/28/08 02:48 PM

I know we have plenty of writers in this group. Why not try your hand at a story for the OUR VOICES section of the site and submit your story to Dots?

I think we all run in here to the forums (I know I do) and we sometimes forget there are other offerings here on the site.

With Thanksgiving coming up, and of course, Ho-Ho, I bet some of you have a story of giving thanks, or decorating the tree, or even the tree falling...inside of you waiting to come out...Yes?

I once had a tree everyone called The Charlie Brown Tree. My sons would bring people by the house to see it. Standing, all I had to do to put the star on was to reach out and lay it on top. It was that short...LOL!

Got a story? If so, go HERE to read the guidelines and submit!
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 10/28/08 04:25 PM

Thanks for the reminder JJ. will check it out.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 10/28/08 06:57 PM

If I'm not mistaken, that was one of the first ways that I got to know you, EW, was by your entry into a writing contest here. It was so good!
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 10/28/08 07:09 PM

Oh, I forgot about the Voices section. I might give it a try.
Posted by: gims

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 10/29/08 04:12 AM

JJ, what topic do you think there's a shortage for? I can't write, really... but, I love to edit.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 10/29/08 01:35 PM

Here's a few areas that could use some stories, but all of the sections are open, as always, if you see a better fit for your story.

Prescription Drugs and Alcohol
Empty Nest
Discovering Midlife Passions
Posted by: LGood67334

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 11/12/08 07:16 PM

I like the idea of sharing stories. Even if your life feels boring to you, it will be fascinating to others. JMHO, of course.

Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/13/09 08:23 PM

How did I miss this one? I may try to give something a go. I am very self conscious when it comes to writing. I really want to so badly and have so much to share and tell. But the fear is overwhelming to me.

I have read the books from many here at the forum and I enjoy them just as much if not more than those "best selling authors" out there. I don't think I would measure up and I say this as trying to be realistic and not try to be negative.

I'll tell you what I have discovered I love doing the most and it is research. I don't mean sitting in front of google and looking things up, I mean research as far as trying things myself to interviewing people to just plain exploration.

I don't know if there is a market for that though.

I remember when I was visiting Greece in the summer of 2000, a woman had asked me for directions to the post office in the town. I noticed she was American and asked her if she was visiting. She said she was there on business. She was working for an author and she was there to do research on the Knights of
St John. How cool is that?

Posted by: Mama Red

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 06:14 PM

Hi Cathi

There are LOTS of people who despise researching stuff so I would think there would be plenty of folks who would adore having someone else take that task off their hands. If you're interested in having a go at it, maybe we could brainstorm some ideas for where you could find people interested in that! I'm thinking of many speakers who need background information, authors who have an idea and no time to do the detailed research, etc.

My 2 cents for the moment.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 08:18 PM

This IS a market for it. One of our own here is a researcher and has a degree in the same (right?)...if she chooses to, maybe she could tell you more about it?

But I think it is an excellent field to get into. I LOVE researching as well. LOVE IT. I love finding a needle in a haystack. Go for it. Check with you local junior college or community services where they give college courses. You might find some courses in researching you could take in your spare time.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 08:36 PM

Gosh, I love, love, sooooo looooooove research! I love to cross reference and comparative analysis. Give me a wide table and books anytime then, it is really up until my eyes get tired.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 09:05 PM

Gosh Lola, I didn't realize that. Don't you just love trying to find something? The harder, the better. Do you like jigsaw puzzles too?
Posted by: Lola

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 09:22 PM

Yep, JJ. Research is actually the backbone of what I do for a living and as an apologist. Love jigsaw but stay away from pure landscape. I always have a suspicion that they sell incomplete sets of those. LOL!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 09:29 PM

Don't make me look it up, Lola...what is an apologist. Is that like a gabologist, like me?

I love the landscape ones...but honey, if you want a challenge, get one of the black and white Marilyn Monroe ones. OMG....you will pull out every hair in your head.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 10:23 PM

Yep. Sorta like a gabologist but, in Catholic theology and the explanation thereof.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writers - Step Forward - 01/14/09 10:43 PM

Wow...deep. Mine is just talking too much.